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--- Sam ---
      I stood there without a blink in my eyes. What did she mean by calling me her queen, do I know her.. or is she a mad woman...!!

'Um I don't know what you're talking about.. have we met before?. Do I know you..!? ' I asked out of curiosity.

'No honey.. you were a baby when I first held you. I don't think you remember me that easily.'

Her words creeped me out, how does she know me and why does she sound like someone who was close to me when I was born... I'm starting to think nonsense,..is she my mother...?? Probably not, how can she be my mother, she was lost in the battle with the witch.. I was growing mad in my own thoughts..

'Are you my......'I stuttered.

'No dear, don't get the wrong idea of me. Come on in I'll make some coffee and we'll have a little chitchat what do you think.? 'She smiled.

I didn't know if I wanted to go in now, she sounds strange, but it's already late to find somewhere else to crash in for the night. I looked at Shane before answering the lady. He looked at me and gave me a nod.. I knew that he was assuring me that I'll be safe no matter what happens... I looked back at the lady and said...

'We'd love too.. we needed a place to spend the night in so.. thank u.'

'It's my pleasure, the place is yours'. Saying this she walked in with a smile on her face and we followed her.

'Please have a seat.. I'll be right back.. '. we took our seats and waited for her..

After a while she came in and gave us a cup of coffee.. we took a sip of it and she sat right in front of us...

'Who are you miss and If you don't mind me asking... Why did you called me your queen.. '

'Oh sorry.. I'm Renee. I was you mother keeper, I was there when you were given away right when you were born.. '.she tightened her lips after saying this..

'What do you mean you were there.? '.

'I was hired to look after you but I couldn't do that because of that nasty witch she destroyed everything. King Adrian and Queen Celeste had to give you away to keep you safe, they didn't even get to hold you... '. She sighed.

'You know about them.... do you know what happened to them..? '. I asked her for answers. But she remained silent when I asked about them.

I leaned in and placed my hands over hers, ' Please i need to know...' I said, my  voice low, my eyes filled with tears.

' I'm sorry my princess. Queen Celeste handed you to me to give you away to a family that they had selected and I was far away from there with you when they disappeared in the fight with the witch, i don't know what happened to them..'.

I sighed at her words.

'What do they call you.. your parents didn't get to name you.' She asked .

"Sam, Sam Triston... ". I said with my voice low..

'Sam, look I can't give you false hope but I know someone that might be able to help you..'.

I looked up into her eyes.. "who are you mentioning?".

'Your aunt.....King Adrian's sister, NOAH... She can help you in finding what happened to your parents, and i bet she's been waiting for you to come of age so that one day you'll return to Aurelia to make things right.....'.

" Where can I find her?  ".  I asked.

'She lives by the river near the castle. I'll give you the location tomorrow, it's pretty late now you guys should rest.. I'm sorry that we didn't have quite the good introduction though. She chuckled. Is he your...? She said while pointing towards shane.

' Yes he's my um.... He's my " boyfriend,". I said while directing my sight towards him and he seemed happy when I mentioned him as my boyfriend..

' How lovely.. now common I'll point you to the room you'll be staying in tonight, I only have a room for you two, is it okay or I can sleep on the couch if you want me to. ' She suggested.

' No it's fine. Shane and I will share a room. thank you Renee.'

' It's my pleasure, your highness.. I am happy to see you all grown up into a brave young beautiful girl.. saying this she gives me a proud look and leads us to our room and wishes us goodnight....'.

It was pretty late at night. Shane was in the washroom getting ready for bed. And i couldn't get the things that Renee had said out of my mind...

Shane walked towards me while getting out of the bathroom and hugged me from behind.

' You know, I can lighten up the mood if you want me to....'. he whispered in my ears while holding me close to him...

I could feel his hands through my body, his whispers made me want to hold him down and kiss him hard but my mind was not in place.... I turned towards him and said,

"Not now Shane... ". I looked him in his eyes and kissed him on his forehead and went to bed. He layed beside me without saying a word so that he could give me some space.... I turned over towards him and he turned towards me. Our eyes locked, he ran his fingers through my face and slid the hair off my face.. i grabbed his hand and gave a soft kiss.... " Good night Shane".... I whispered holding his hands close to my lips....

" Good night darling"...... I love you.. he mutters under his breath......

--- Next Morning ---

      Shane was still in his sleep, i sat beside him with a cup of coffee waiting till he woke up....

" Good morning " I smiled when he opened his eyes. 'You slept well...' I said with a smile on my face.

' Yeah I had a great nap cos of you'. he smiled back.. ' Were you sitting here watching me sleep'. He smirked..

' I don't know maybe I was and maybe I wasn't.'. I smiled while saying this and handed the coffee to him.

' I know I'm too handsome to resist even while I'm sleeping.' He said in a husky voice and looked at me.

' You've got to be kidding me..'. i scoffed and smacked him with a pillow making him spill the coffee all over himself.

I widened my sight and stood up " Oops, you should've seen that coming handsome..." I laughed and ran out of the room.. he placed his cup on the night stand and ran after me.. he chased after me and lifted me while grabbing from behind.... laughing and panting..... I turned towards him and asked with quite an experience on my face. " Did the coffee hurt?".

He stared into my eyes and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. " I want this with you forever, to look at you; to listen to your every word; to feel you; to love you; i want this... All I ever need is you darling...". His words make me crave for him more and more. I wrapped my arms around him.." I want all of it with you too". Saying this I kissed him back.........

Renee was watching us from a distance and she seemed happy for me.... She didn't try to interrupt the moment that I was having with him......... She made us breakfast and arranged us many things.

Once we were finished with our breakfast she handed me a note... ' It has the address to the place you seek... ' She said.

' Thank you for everything.'. I smiled and went in for a hug and she hugged me back. Shane was outside setting up the bike... While I was about to go out she called me from behind and said.. " bring back the good that Aurelia once held. I know you can do it. You're the heir of Aurelia, promise me that you make everything right....".

I glanced at her and said ' i will do everything in power to bring the light back to Aurelia and I will bring back my parents wherever they might be...'. 

' Good luck Sam... I hope to see you soon...'.

' Well meet soon Renee thank you..'. I smiled at her and walked towards shane..........

' So, where to now? '. He asked.

' To find my aunt Noah.. she's the one that can give answers about my parents and about how and where to find my mother's dragon '........................

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