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The night was young. He was still holding me in his arms close to him while trying to catch a hold of his breath. He looked at me in my eyes and brushed the hair off my face and slid it behind my ears.

You still feel like you want to go alone by yourself now?.. he smirked.

I've been wanting this moment to be close to him to feel him it's an extraordinary pleasure..

Fine, you can come along with me but I'm driving. I demanded.
I can't believe I allowed him to come with me.

He steps closer to me grabs my waist and slowly bends towards my lips. When he was so close to me I closed my eyes to feel his lips again. But he slowly slides his hand in my pocket and grabs the keys to the bike..

You gotta think quicker and smarter than that baby girl. Saying this he smiles and walks towards the bike.

You sneaky little bastard... He smiles when he hears me call him that.
saying this I followed him. Ughh i can't believe he tricked me....

Before getting on he made sure that I wore a helmet, He got on wearing his.

Hop in.. he said.

U came in your bike right? Why don't u come in that. I asked him while folding my hands.

What's the fun in riding alone when I have you. He glares with a smirk.

Damn the way he says those words makes me melt throughout my whole body. He pulled me to him I got on behind him. I was wrapped with awkwardness and I was a lot nervous even though this wasn't the first time I had gone on a bike with him although this time feels a bit different.

Shane, I appreciate you being here with me but going to Aurelia and finding out about my parents and my mother's dragon is important to me so I don't want any distractions..

He nods. As you wish babe.. whatever you want to do I'm with you..
His words make me smile. I wrapped my arms around him and we took off to Aurelia.....

---later that day---
--- Zade's POV ---

I can't believe I slept on the couch the whole night..... I got up from the couch and the first thing I did was to go check on Sam but she was not there in her room. I searched the entire dorm but still I couldn't find her anywhere..I went to Brian's room and knocked, he opened the door on my third knock..

Hey Zae, morning. Why are you knocking on my door this early in the morning!?.
He said being half asleep..

Have you seen Sam. She's nowhere to be found, do u know where she might be. He widened his eyes when I asked him this.

No Zae i don't know where she is. he stutters..
she might have gone for training or something.

No Miss Greyson cancelled her training for today because of the things that happened yesterday.
Brian seemed suspicious and i know he knows something that I don't..

Brian.. why do I feel like your hiding something?? I raised my eyebrow.

Me..? Hiding...! Why would I need to hide something From you Zade. I'm not hiding anything. I'll try calling her later saying that he closes the door but I stopped him. I'm going to Miss Greyson office to find out what's going on and you are coming with me. And I wasn't asking.

Fine.., let me freshen up and get dressed at least. He said to which I nodded.

I waited on the couch till Brian came out and he was taking way too much time.. he opened the door and we headed to Miss Greyson's office. When we reached there Miss Greyson was handling her calls and she asked us to come later.

Miss Greyson this is important please. I asked. It's Sam..

Cancel my next call she says to her assistant and walks up to us.. what's the matter?. She asked.

Sam's missing she's not in our dorm and there's no training for her today.

You sure you searched correctly.? miss Greyson asked.

Indeed. I searched everywhere and she's not there.
I noticed Brian acting all weird.

Brian do you know where she is? She asked.
No, i have no idea Miss Grey.

Fine then let's all go look for her..she said.
As we all were searching for Sam we noticed Shane's bike behind our dorm. And the backdoor was open.

What's Shane's bike doing here?? Said miss Greyson.
Right then I got a call from Brandon.. I put it on loudspeaker.

Zade : hy.
Brandon : hey Zade, is Shane there in Alfaria, he's not here and I've been searching for him like hours.

What's going on..how can Sam and Shane be missing at the same time.
Miss Greyson sensed something wrong.. tell him to come here as quickly as possible Zade. She said with quit a fear in her voice.

Zade : grap your ass and come here Brandon somethings going on. Saying this I hung up.

We waited till brandon arrived and he came with his friend Caleb..

Why are you coming with him I asked you to come alone. I asked with my voice raised.

Calm done I don't have my bike with me. He replied. I have something to tell you. All of you..
Miss Greyson, Brian and I was keen to listen to what he has to say..

Yesterday Sam called and asked if I could lend her my bike for the night. I doubted something was wrong when she reguested not to let you and Shane know about it but I gave her my bike anyway because she said that she needed to have some alone time. And i was foolish enough to believe that. He sighs.

After hearing this I looked at miss Greyson she seemed like she was picking up something.

Do you know why Shane's bike is here Brandon. Miss Greyson enguired.

No, i really have no idea..he said.

Zade, gather everyone at the assembly hall, not the students but the staff and teachers.

What is it Miss Greyson? Why do you want me to gather all of them??

Because I have a feeling that Sam's on her way to the place that I had forbidden her to not go and I think Shane's with her...

AURELIA....?! I stutters and glares at miss Greyson with fear.......

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