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      As Miss Greyson ordered, every staff except students were gathered in the hall. Everyone seemed chaotic about why they were called.. they began to be impatient and started to raise questions to Miss Greyson. Miss Greyson stepped forward and said,

The reason I've gathered you all here is to find out about something important and I want you all to co-operate with me.., Those who have seen or talked to Sam Triston just prior to today kindly stay back and those who haven't can return to their work.

Everyone seemed puzzled in Miss Greyson's words. They couldn't figure out what was going on.. All the staff except the librarian, Miss Griselda and Jacob left. Miss Greyson went forward to them and asked.

When did you last see Sam and did she seem off by any chance or did any of you feel like she was up to something.?

After hearing what she said they looked towards each other.

' I was giving notes and views of her performance during training ma'am, other than that I know nothing '. Said Jacob..
'Jacob is one of the teachers who assist in Sam's training '.

' I saw her come out of your office last afternoon when u were on break. I even saw her heading towards the mystic aisle, i haven't seen her since then. Said Miss Griselda '...
' Griselda is Miss Greyson's assistant'.

Miss Greyson glared at each one of them as they spoke out...
Do you both happen to know anything else? She enguired.

No Miss, we know no more..they replied.

You both may leave.... Saying this she directed her sight towards the librarian who works in the mystic aisle of our school.

What do you have to say Miss howard? Have you seen Sam come by that way yesterday.?

"Yes".. she replied. She was with me the whole afternoon in the mystic aisle. She wanted to know about Aurelia and i showed her everything about it from the restricted area,.. she said, her voice low.

Hearing this Miss Greyson raged.... It is kept as the restricted area for a reason and why would you ever show it without my approval,.. she became furious.

My sincere apologies Miss, i didn't know.... The girl seemed really desperate to know about it so I helped.. saying this she lowers her head facing down.

Did you happen to tell her anything other than showing her from the books.? Miss Greyson asked trying to control her wrath.

Hearing this she almost started to palpitate and said.. she wanted to know about the King and Queen of Aurelia, so I... I told her that King Adrian had an elder sister and that she still lives in Aurelia. And i think she's on her way there to find her..

Miss Greyson collapsed with fear and rage, she didn't know what to say and do. She feared this day would come. Seeing her out of control i reguest the librarian to leave.

' Get our guards and men ready Zade' , we must go get her before she steps into Aurelia.. Miss Greyson demanded. She makes her way out to get everything ready but right that second Brian stops her and blocks her way out...

What do you intend to do Brian? She was intrigued by his actions.

My sister has been busting her ass to find out about the things you and everyone else has been hiding from her. And now she knows half of it and it's her right, her destiny to find about the remaining. You have no idea of what she's been through. Even if she has a very slight chance at finding everything then imma let her take it and I won't let anyone stand in her way and destroy whatever lead she has now.

'So you knew'...!? You knew she was going and you never did anything to stop her and yet you played innocent when I asked where she was?? I asked with a stream of rage in my voice.

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