Chapter 2 : My First Few Weeks

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My first few weeks was great but one day my parents noticed that I wasn't drinking the milk I was just not hungry so that was a bit of a worry for my family.. but I was getting worse every day just remember I was a baby ....

My parents noticed I kinda wanted to sleep a lot of the time ...

The doctors knew something was wrong with me but they kept on checking with me but they said "it's nothing too serious don't worry about it"

So the doctors shrugged it off but my mum knew something was wrong with her baby AKA me ..

But at last my brother got to meet me and he loved me (he still loves me btw) when he was younger he would spend everyday with me but I was too poorly to come home .. so my parents would take turns on coming home . My dad would look after me , then my mum would look after me . But stupidly the doctors said they can take me home when my mum knew I was poorly...

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