Chapter 7 : The Accidental Click

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One day when I was listening to "Let It Go" I stumbled across "Libre Soy" the Spanish version of "Let It Go" it translates too "I Am Free" ..

So I clicked on it and that's when my love of languages began just to remind you I was 5 when I could sing "let it go" in Spanish and I am forever grateful for that moment because I wanna be a polyglot (a person that can speak 5-7 languages fluently)

Then all of sudden I thought to myself "I'm going to listen to "Let It Go" in every language in the world!"

And from that day on I've never stopped loving languages... I'm a linguist which means I can pronounce any languages in a few minutes or hours.. but I didn't start to write languages until I was older... "Let It Go" and "Michael Jackson songs" were the only songs I would listen to ever!!

I'm still choosing to figure out what Germanic language I want to learn I also will have to wait for me to get Pimsleur

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