Chapter 10 : The Move Out

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My best friend Charlie that I would hang out with everyday was going to move out so I couldn't play out with him everyday that hit me a lot .. I was thinking "What am I going to do now my bestie has moved out" my mum said "don't worry you'll still be able to hang out and him"

So I was really upset, me saying "he's gone he's moved what am I going to do now?"

Luckily Harley lived just 5 doors down the street which we would play out every day I would go to his house ... he was my new Charlie (he didn't become a crush) we would hangout with each other everyday!! I would go to his house he would come to mine... that's when Harley introduced me too his friend called "Jada" she became a crush but we don't hang out anymore we moved on from each other I believe..

Good thing is I still hung out with Ella I decided to ask her out again but she said no.. and then overtime I let her be my bestie only ...

You think my life got better there? –no–
Still got bullied..

This is another traumatic experience in the next chapter

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