Chapter 16 : The Anger

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Year 9 came along and this is where I struggled a lot with the lies and promises breaking .. but I decided to deal with it because no matter what I'd do they will not understand me they'll just lie

All I can say year 9 was mixed feelings, happiness, sadness and anger ... as I was getting ready for year 10 I couldn't do it but I tried but in top of that it was the start of the GCSE's I couldn't do it all my friends were talking in the roadman (I hate roadmen they think they're hard but there not they act thuggish)  so when I started year 10 all the stress , lies, GCSE's , all came into one I couldn't take it anymore so I left Orchard for 6 months I needed a break from all the anger from the past .. I just needed to recover..

One day I told my mum that I'm ready to go  back too Orchard but only one occasion Stu (principle)  WILL apologise to my face .. so he agreed so he drove to my house and said "We apologise for all the stress that we have given you we WILL change this"

So he left and I was like "ok, ok, this is looking up and getting better"
I arrived back to Orchard everyone said "Welcome back" but the good thing was..  I was allowed to stay in the office all day and go home when I wanted to.. so I just sat in the office and watched YouTube until I was ready to go into the class again ...

But a few weeks after I started to settle in do you know what the teachers started to say  "are you ready to go back into the classroom?" (This was on the daily) but Stu said "you can go in the classroom when you want to, we're not gonna pressure you" (they were pressuring me btw)

So Stu respected that BUT one day I heard him say "we're gonna get him in the classroom" so much for a promise! Huh!!
That lie was literally the last lie I took from that god forbid school.. so I dropped out and left

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