Chapter 3 : The Bad/Good News

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So a few weeks went by ....

A doctor came in to see me and my mum because they knew something was wrong with me .. then all of a sudden a very specialised doctor came into see me .. and not even one second , the doctor came in and said " Get me a spoon, this baby isn't breathing" "We need specialists in now" this was a few weeks .. a few weeks I wasn't breathing but miraculously I was surviving not breathing for a few weeks.

It turns out I had a very rare condition called "Choanal atresia" , Choanal atresia is a congenital disorder in which the nasal choanae , (i.e paired with nasopharynx) are occluded by soft tissue (membranous) , bone, or a combination of both , due to failed recanalisation of the nasal fossae during fetal development .

So the doctors had to create a hole through the bone tissue that was blocking my airway .

So I had to be fed by a tube , well the doctors had to drill a hole in my mouth to thread the tube so I could eat .. I would not be here if it wasn't for that doctor I wouldn't have met Vee or anyone..

So I am so blessed to be alive ..

Next chapter is going to be good one....

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