Chapter 6 : Charlie

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I will now tell you about Charlie the most important person I had in school ...

Me and Charlie would see each other everyday, our friendship became stronger, and besides he lived right up the street from where I live! I'd go to his house and  he would come to my house and we would just hang out together.

Charlie was the only friend I had at the time but I suddenly realised I was starting to overprotect him and not let him play with anyone else I only wanted him to myself because our friendship was so strong he would be there for me when I cried, when I was angry , when I needed him the most .. he was the first friend I had.

Then we started to go out on days out with my parents or his parents, which I loved .

Then I got the chance to meet Charlie's sister Imogen which a few years later became one of my younger cousin's friends .. I didn't always talk to Imogen at the time like I said I wanted to hang out with Charlie.. we would bounce on his bed, go out on our neighbourhood block , have lightsaber fights ... and even have sleepovers this is where my anxiety bloomed a little bit but only a smidge all kids get nervous when they have their first sleepover.

I realised I wanted to see him everyday whenever my mum would ring or text Charlie's mum to see if he was free to come over ... whenever they said he wasn't free I noticed that I used to have mini meltdowns ... I started to have a crush on Charlie because of his kindness but I soon forgot about it (I am straight as you know from the VRChat love story where I met Vee we are actually girlfriend and boyfriend now) (if you haven't read the story yet type in "My VRChat Love" then a book would come up it should have the cover Utopia)

Anyway back to the story .. the next chapter is gonna be good..

To be continued....

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