Chapter 17 : A New Journey

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A teacher from Orchard (AKA My old teacher Joanne) left Orchard to move to another place called Climb4 which she invited me too it turns out she is also autistic ..

So back again! Happiness !

Climb4 started and I was excited... it started of great ..  I got settled in .. I thought to myself  finally some people that actually understand me .. but I knew deep inside they will fail me aswell and I'm sorry to say this but I was right they didn't want to help me ... another lie can you believe that!!

So I went from happy to super depressed (not suicidal don't worry) I had no friends no one to talk too I just felt defeated I've been let down all my life ... I didn't think it will get better but it did!!

I left Climb4 (I was 16 at the time , well I am still 16)

This next Chapter will be the last chapter.. this will be where I am now

My Life Story Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora