Human world trip

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Today in the Omega timeline this is the day off, after some funny and strange adventure. They finally got some real rest. They were playing ping pong in one of the underground rooms and then Melios had an idea to make the day a little better.

Melios: Why not go into the human world today?

Chara: Wait that's possible?

Papyrus: I guess he can, he could go to AU no one could.

Bird: I never saw the surface. Please can you go there?

Melios: I can. . . It's pretty easy and it will be fun. We will have to play as Cosplayers until it goes down, after we can kill everyone off.

Chara: Geez you are way more cruel since you got your emotions back.

Melios: I got an upgrade that's all, and I really hate human contact. . . But you as. . . You know.

Chara didn't take it personally fortunately.

Papyrus: I am in I never saw the Surface too and I will be able to bring b*tches.

Melios: Ok we finish the point then I make the portal. . . . Any preferences? Or I can teleport us to the US or even Russia.

Chara: Depend the year

Melios: I can't choose, I just found an AU where the human destroyed the Underground and went living on the Surface as a hitman.

Papyrus: cool, I will just beat the crap out of them if he approach me.

Melios: It is a girl.

Papyrus: Do you have her number?

Melios: That's what I thought and nah if we met her, we would kill her but she has a save and load, so she will always come back all along the trip.

All: Let's go.

They ended the game and then prepared for their trip. They took all they could as Melios stock everything in his dimensional pocket.

Melios: Ready?

All: Yeah.

Melios opened a portal leading to the US, in an unknown year, but it isn't really far from 2020 as there isn't any flying object in the streets.

Melios: Chara you will be the master here. I won't be able to speak to people here as I don't want to execute everything I see.

Chara: Understood.

Melios: Bird and Papyrus don't, wait no just Papyrus don't do sh!t around or I teleport you back. I already destroyed the world hundreds of times and it isn't pleasant at all.

Papyrus: Ok, ok I won't do sh!t until. . . . Someone is looking at us.

Behind Melios was a child, really cute and that seemed lost, He or she really hit them in the heart.

Melios: Ok I will keep that one alive please.

Chara: You Don't want to marry me but having a child is ok.

Melios: Drift, there is no link here.

The child: He-hello I am lost. . . Can you help me?

Melios: Ok I saw the trap as big as the world. Chara, respond to them that we will follow them or whatever.

Chara: Oh you cute little one, do you know where your mother is?

Child: There was a robot in red with her and-and a great aisle in a street full of house.

Melios: Robots? Ok ask them which year we are.

Chara: Little one which year are we, I didn't see time pass where I was.

Kingverse Book 2:Melios the angelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin