Dark past

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Everyone was in the Omega timeline. They were all in the house, KT! Asriel, KT!Gaster, Azoth, KT!Chara, Bird, FS! Papyrus, Bird Frisk were in the living room sitting in the large couches and Melios and Chara were asleep above. They were all intrigued about each other and Gaster, him, knew about almost everything, he couldn't see the inner mind realm of Melios tho but he knows about what he did it even frightened him.

Chara: What the hell are we doing here now? Just letting the lovers above sleep? I want to go home.

Asriel: Are you not curious about why he is like he is? How could he be this powerful?

Gaster: I have. . . Some answer for that but I will let him answer.

Papyrus: I had questions for you, the old friends of Melios. How was he back there?

Asriel: A good friend and someone we can count on, even if there were some bad event, when he is around we can't get bored.

Azoth: He is a good pal, he helped me in some really complicated cases and even in my work when he could. He wasn't really mean on purpose, he has just really specific values.

Papyrus: Not funny, i thought this god like son of a . . . You know what I mean was a real piece of sh!t, but he seemed like a good guy who fell in a good place.

Frisk: would you really say the truth and only the truth?

Asriel: Of course.

Azoth: I can't lie, I promise.

Frisk: how did he behave after the genocide?

Asriel:. . . . . He was a little weird that's right but he wasn't mad.

Azoth: for sure he looked like him but he seemed to be a bit crazy and almost felt like he was at the cliff of falling into insanity. He didn't really react when Chara told her story and even felt annoyed, and when we were fighting he was just smiling widely while looking at his opponent becoming stronger, it's almost like he liked that.

Asriel: he is a fight addict but there it wasn't Ali but something else that was a dead version of him. . . . I didn't think loosing someone could hurt this much.

Frisk:. . . . . Strange, he didn't seem insane nor crazy when I met him, he was just full of joy and life.

Papyrus: I remember SS!Chara speaking about a memory of Melios which was when he was child. She saw his father being shot and stopped here but she also concluded that her mother died.

Azoth:. . . . That must have been terrible, but he should have been like maybe 5 or 6 right? How could he survive then?

Papyrus: I don't know.

Bird: I was one of the first to see him and he said to me that he got tortured at a moment, before falling here.

Gaster:. . . . But then it was the reason of his heavy injuries while landing here?

Azoth: maybe.

Frisk: I will see upstairs to look if they are really sleeping, Sans come.

Bird: I am right behind you.

They went upstairs.

Asriel: I return the question.

Papyrus: he was chill but he seemed to suffer every second internally, fortunately he lost his feelings at a moment and was free but he got them back and he was getting mad pretty easily then. For example when we were in the other AU for the First time, when I thought he would be chilling, when he saw a mother getting hit by a robot, he went instantly mad to the point where he was almost lost.

Kingverse Book 2:Melios the angelWhere stories live. Discover now