Hate Comments [Dustblue]

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It was a normal day in the pristine base of the Star Sanses. The sun was shining. The flowers were blooming. Normally, on days like these, the stars would be off to their usual hobbies. Dream would be busy trying out new cookie recipes, Ink would be busy making art in his room, while Blue would be working out in the living room and at the same time, keeping an eye on Dream.

Nothing else WOULD be expected and nothing WOULD be wrong. But today, Blue was on the couch, lazying around with his hundred-pound dumbbells calmly sitting at the corner of the room. The blue skeleton could be found snuggling up with a blanket and many empty tubs of zero-sugar ice cream cans by his sides; his eyes in tears and his hands tremblingly holding the remote control as he kept scrolling through kid's cartoons on Netflix.

Dream could feel his friend's depressed aura seeping into the kitchen and it was really making him concerned. He slowly put down his mixing spoon and sighed knowing that Blue had been like this for the past 48 hours, and it was really taking a toll on him. He finally stepped out of the kitchen and tried to talk but he was immediately greeted by a frustrated Blue shouting at him, "Leave me alone, Dream! Just leave me with my adventure time and ice cream...".

Dream took a step back and sighed before looking at his sad friend. "But Blue..." He tried to reach out but the blue skeleton yelled for him to stay away. Dream was taken aback by how Blue was dealing with his problems and he looked at the blue skeleton in shock. He could not find his happy and energetic friend that he once was but found a depressed couch potato. The whole situation was really alarming for Dream and he tried to speak. "Blue...please, what's wrong?" Dream asked gently but Blue continued on his crying. Nothing that he was doing was able to make Blue fess up.

The golden skeleton tried to look over the room but couldn't find any hints on why Blue was acting like this, until... he saw Blue's phone by his feet. It was only now that he noticed the gadget and he picked it up curiously. He hated to intrude but curiosity got the better of him and he opened Blue's phone. The blue skeleton did not care to look over to his golden friend and so Dream found himself on an app called "Instagram". He scrolled for a bit and checked Blue's account quietly, making sure that Blue wouldn't look up from his show. He saw that in his posts that Blue uploaded photos of himself being himself, working out, eating tacos, him and their friends, and occasional inspirational quotes, but when he checked the comment sections... his eyes widened in complete horror.

There at every post and at the very top, there were hate comments. Not critiques, not sugar coated insults, it was straight up unreasonable bullying and guilt-tripping towards Blue...

Qosbieeii3uhh8 What a poser! I hope you go die in a ditch

michaelarrr9 Just stop, no one likes looking at a narcissistic asshole with asymmetrical pectorals

fukachi88222 Think you can just show off that you have money to eat food? SHAME ON YOU! There are people starving rn while you eat in luxury!

mochpochi111 Oh look it's the guy who couldn't save Under(REDACTED)!!! How dare you live on while you left them to die!

roblasr77788 u r lozer rawblock lol

rellik696969 do you know what you are you are just a short worthless useless disgrace and a disappointment to your team your friends we'll leave you you are nothing but a insect a parasite you are ugly your more ugly than error no wonder why Chara killed your people because you to weak to even defend them your so weak even your brother look down at you his very disappointed at you look at you crying...what a cry baby

wowei389 Fat Trash! Bet your girlfriend is disatisfied with you

gigimon6534 you ugly useless piece of crap you are a disappointment you left your people to die you dumbass you are nothing you are worthless your just a nobody

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