Chapter 1 (Alfea college)

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I was outside the gates of alfea college in another PLANET in my grey sweatpants and a white shirt, I still can't believe I have to wear glasses to see clearly and I was completely lost "Lucky me" I said.

I pulled my suitcase and went inside "What a big school" I said in owe and continued to walk. "Where is the fairy hall?" I muttered as I was looking around , I wasn't looking were I was going so I bumped into someone and my spectacles fell.

"Oh my goodness where are they?" I said as I was moving my hands on the ground looking for them "Here they are" someone said as they gave them to me.

I sighed in relief and put them on that's when I saw a beautiful girl standing in front of me and I quickly realized it was the girl I bumped into.

The girl 👆 __________________________________

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The girl 👆

"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking were I was going" I apologized "It's okay" she replied and was about to go until I asked her.

"Could you please tell me were the fairy hall is?" I asked "I don't know I'm new here" she replied "Are you also a fairy" I asked.

"I am a fairy!" She yelled and quickly became shy "Sorry it was just something I'd never thought I would say" she replied.

"I know right I am also new here I come from a planet called earth-" I said but she immediately cut me off.

"I'm from earth too , Las Angeles California" she said "I'm from Chicago" I said "I guess we have a lot in common" I said.

"What is your name?" I asked "Bloom" she replied "Lilac" I spoke.

"Well Bloom see you around" I said as I started to walk inside the building.

It really beautiful and big I thought as I went in. I saw a lot of people so tapped on the person next to me "Hi sorry to bother you but is this the fairy hall?" I asked them "Yes it is" she said and continued to go.

Yesss I did it again! I thought.

I wondered around the building until there was an announcement "All fairys please come to the assembly!" A woman announced and everybody started to walk to the other direction I followed.

We entered a huge room full of seats it was like a stadium I began to walk until I heard someone call my name "Lilac!" I turned my head to see bloom waving to me.

I went to her knocking everyone I passed threw with my bag and I finally managed to get to bloom.

"Come sit with me" she said as she took my hand and we sat at the nearest chairs.

"Good to know you remember my name bloom" I said "How could I not your the only person I've shown interaction with in this magic school , well okay let's not say one two people I've shown interaction with in this school" she said.

"Who else have you met?" I asked "It was a guy I think he said he was a specialist and he's very attractive" she replied "Atleast there are some normal people In here everyone is so cold their like robots" I said "What if they are?" She said and we both looked at each other seriously and began to chuckle.

"Welcome fairys to Alfea College!" A woman spoke from a microphone and everyone went quiet "My name is mistress Farah and I welcome our new seniors to Alfea College classes begin first thing in the morning and I trust that you will enjoy your stay here at Alfea College thank you" she said as the crowd erupted in applause.

We went to the hallway and someone gave us our schedule and our room numbers.

"So do we get to be roommates?" I asked signaling her to show me her room number "room 56" she said "What did you get?" , "Room 68" I answered in disappointed.

"Ohh I guess we are not roommates" she said sadly "Don't worry I'm sure we'll find some way to see each other" I said making her smile we hugged for the last time and went our separate ways.

Room 68 I read from the door and went inside the room. I saw 5 people sitting on the sofa in the middle of the room.

"Hi everyone" I said shyly and to my surprise they answered me nicely "Hi" , "Hello" , "Hello" , "Greetings" . I was quite surprised I thought there would be some mean girls in here.

I was about to enter a bedroom until someone barged in "Listen here Bitches I'm taking the biggest room and there's nothing you can do about it" she said as she carried her bag.

"Why must you take the biggest room?" I asked crossing my hands "Are you questioning me?" She said "No I'm just asking why do you need to take the biggest room" I answered "Do you know who I am?" She said "No I don't know and I have no interest in knowing I was just asking" I replied.

She stepped closer to me "I like you , You'll be sharing a room with me" she whispered in my ear and went into an empty room.

"What was that about?" I asked the 5 girls who were busy putting on their makeup "That's Beatrix she thinks she's the queen of everyone but she's not" one of the girls said "Where are you guys going?" I asked in confusion as they seem like they were getting ready for something.

"We're going to the welcome party tonight want to join us" one of them said and of course I had to accept what can I say I'm a party girl.

I put my bag inside mine and Beatrix's room and went to get ready with the five girls they promised they would give me a full make over since I looked crusty and the final product was not what I had expected.

I looked so beautiful "is this really me?" I questioned myself in the mirror "it is really you" one of the girls said and one brought me a very sparkly black party dress and of course I had to wear it.

We came out of the room all sparkling and beautiful and promised ourselves to have a great time at the party.

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