Chapter 2 (Burned one)

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We entered the party I am in my party mood so if somebody annoys me she'll see the real me today.

I walked in and went straight to the bar area "Do you guys have alcohol , cause I'm pretty much of an alcoholic you know" I said chuckling but the boy looked at me weirdly.

"I didn't mean literally you know" I said while he continued to wipe the cups. "I'll just have juice thanks" I said and he handed me juice.

I sat there alone and frustrated "Having a good time?" I turned to see bloom walking up to me.

"Could've been better" I replied with a fake smile and I noticed her eyes were red "have you been crying?" I asked.

"No..." she answered "Listen bloom I know I've just met you today but earthlings have to stick together must they not" I said as I held her hand.

"So tell me what happened" , "I just had a situation with Aisha-" she said "And who's Aisha?" I asked cutting her off.

"She's just my roommate" she replied "Well tell this roommate of yours she better watch out because earthlings can be violent sometimes" I said and we both chuckled.

"Gotta go I'm not really a fan of crowded places" she said as she hugged me and went to her dorm room.

Party's over here are so boring I mean they don't even have alcohol I thought.

I decided to go and explore the gardens since I had no one to talk too.

As I was walking I noticed people were gathered in a space and I joined in because I like drama.

I saw a girl and a boy fighting ,now this is a real party. I saw the girl spread out her hands and the vines behind the boy started to choke him.

He was struggling to breath until the girl stopped what she was doing and he released some air "You could have killed me you freak" the boy said "Missed you too" then the girl replied.

"Is this how magic is used cool I thought as I went outside since the fight was over.

The gardens were very beautiful and also peaceful. I sat down on a bench near me and thought of how much I miss home.

Living in a orphanage was not easy but I still had friends and I missed them a lot.

I took out a glass of whiskey from my bag and began to drink I really was smart to buy this before coming here I thought.

I groaned at the taste of the whiskey geez why was it so strong? I thought. I looked at the huge castle in front of me as I was drinking.

"Why are you here alone" I turned to see a tall blue eyed blonde boy "Mind your own business blonde boy" I replied.

"Blonde boy?!" He said in shock "So arrogant, you must be a fairy or am I wrong?" He questioned "Good instinct" I said faking a smile and continued to drink.

"I asked you a question did I not?" He said "You did and?" I turned to him.

"And questions are meant to be answered or am I wr-" He said "You know what I'll leave then since you don't wanna leave" I said cutting him off and stood up to leave.

"I don't understand what I did wrong to make you leave" He said following me.

"Do you know what you did you just wasted my precious time by talking to me so if you could just leave me alone you'll make my night" I said turning back to look at him.

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