Chapter 9 (Some wrecked angel pt2)

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We waited for Beatrix outside who was about to steal a car. Classic.

"Bloom I want to tell you something", I said.

"What?", She asked.

"It's about my biological parents I think their--" I was disrupted as Beatrix honked a car horn.

"How did you learn to steal a car!?", I asked. 

"I can do a lot of things", Replied Beatrix..

"But I'm not driving it", She continued.

"Who's gonna drive it if you don't?", Bloom asked.

"I can do it", I said as I hopped on the driver's seat. "Do you know how to drive?", Asked Beatrix.

"I can, because I had sources at the orphanage".

"I didn't know", Said Bloom as she hoped at the back.

"I can do a lot of things", I said as I started the car and drove off.

We got to this really high cliff and we stopped. "Aster Dell was a town right? Are you sure this is the right place?" Bloom asked confused upon seeing only an empty cliff.

"Positive", Replied Beatrix.

"How can a town be marked on a map if it's on the other side of the mountain?", Asked bloom as I saw Beatrix look at us seriously and did something with her hands.

"Your not the only powerful fairy at Alfea, Bloom", She said as we made powerful thunder come up that shook the ground "What is this place?", I asked frightened at the human bones showing out of nowhere.

I saw Beatrix point her thunder at the empty cliff but nothing happened. "Is it supposed to do that?", I asked.

"No no no, what have I done wrong? She panicked after sometime of thinking she looked at me she then took out a knife and cut my palm I screamed in pain as she cut both hands.

"What are you doing bitch!", I yelled. "Stay still", she said as rubbed my blood all over her hands and started the process all over again.

But this time she made an illusion of a town.

"Welcome to Aster Dell", She said we all looked at it in shock.

"It's a beautiful place", Bloom stated.

"Full of people trying to live their lives. till one winter burned ones surrounded their settlement", Said Beatrix.

"Hold up, Why did you cut my palm Beatrix?", I asked.

"I cut your palm and used your blood because it is the only way to unlock this place", she replied.

"Is that the reason why you brought me here?", I asked.

"Maybe", She said.

"But why am I useful to this?".

"Do you have any idea how powerful you are?", she said in concern.

"We are all standing here positioned as the most powerful beings on this planet especially you Lilac", she said and looked at me.

"Ask Douling you will find your answers", She said and continued talking with Bloom.

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