Chapter 11 (Wither into the truth pt 2)

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We went to Bloom and we saw her sitting alone in a bench and we went to talk to her but Stella took my hand and we talked on the side.

"Thank you for everything you have done to me and I'm really sorry for not noticing you earlier and I hope I can become a better sister", She said with teary eyes.

"It's not your fault Stella", I reassured her.

"Thank you for comforting me and I hope I can become a good sister to you", I said and pulled her in a hug.

"Now, enough with our cringy moment let's go take care of Bloom".

"I know you like it", I smirked.

"Well maybe I do", She also smirked and we went to Bloom.

"Let's go break out my friend", I said and we all laughed.

We went to the prison for fairies and Bloom got in while all of us went inside.

"Remember the plan everyone", I said as Beatrix came out of the prison with Bloom.

"I'm back Bitches", she said and I saw everyone's moods turn down.

We entered miss Dowlings office and and Beatrix opened a book shelf that led to a secret passage way.

"Once Dane gets here we can push him through this electrical fence" She said as there was a fence protecting what's inside the passage way.

"Seems a bit harsh using him to spring the trap", I spoke.

"He'll be game or he won't we'll do it anyway", She replied.

"What about you? Are you game?", Asked Bloom as Stella showed up out of nowhere and pushed Beatrix inside causing her to fall in pain of the trap.

"That was much more satisfying than a flowerpot. See", Said Stella confidently.

I felt uneasy to see Beatrix on the floor but I had to do it for Bloom I guess.

"Break out the villain to get what Bloom wants then trap her again simple my ideas work" Stella continued.

We went inside the passage and it was awfully quiet.

"You sure Rosalinds here?", I asked.

"Yep I'm sure", Bloom replied as we walked for a while then stopped to see another way on our right Bloom signaled us to stay and we stayed.

"Blooms been there for a long time what could they possibly talk about?" Terra asked.

"I once heard you talk about dirt for two hours. Dirt. Two hours".

"Stella",  I cut in making her calm down.

"We just left Beatrix lying down there on miss Dowling's office I just wanna make sure she's not awake, fashioning three shivs."

"Don't be ridiculous it'll be one shiv three times stab, stab, stab" Musa chuckled.

"Can we just go check please?", Terra pleaded.

"Fine but your overreacting", Said Stella as we went back.

"Ah, look at that she's gone. I want my apology to be via scented, handwritten note after we find her", Terra said looking at the empty ground.

"It just gets worse", Said Musa as the door opened and we saw Miss Dowling and doctor Harvey and "Aisha?", I said in shock.

"You have no idea what you have caused", Said miss Dowling and entered the passage.

"But miss--"

"Not another word come with me!", Shouted Harvey and we followed him.

"Hope the brownie points your getting from this one will keep you company when you have no friends", Stella said to Aisha before walking off.

"I trusted you Aisha", I said and walked off.

"Insubordination, breaking and entering, endangering the lives of your classmates and releasing Rosalind Do you have any idea what you've done? I'd say I'm disappointed in you but this goes way beyond that.", Lectured Doctor Harvey.

"But you lied again!" Spoke Terra.

"Yeah, about Rosalind and Aster Dell but your angry with us? I can not be punished for knowing something that you didn't tell us. It doesn't make any logical sense! Shouted Terra and I felt a proud smirk appear on my face.

"Well I suggest you cool down", He said and went out the door.

I got up and tried to open it but it wouldn't open "He used his magic to seal the doors", Said Terra.

"I caught him in a logic trap and he used him magic to ground us",

"That means you won", Stella looked at Aisha who was quiet.

"He's overwhelmed", Said Musa reading his emotions.

"And where do you think your going?" Said Stella.

"I always knew you were a teachers pet but I never knew that pet was a rat", She continued.

"I was planning on deescalating the situation by removing myself from it." Aisha defended.

"But if you wanna escalate--".

"Can we please just take thirty seconds, please? Atleast let me get my earphones", Musa said and went to get her earphones and Stella and Aisha continued to argue.

I felt a weird presence not far behind a very strong presence "Can everybody keep quiet", I said but no one was listening "can everyone keep quiet", They didn't listen and continued to argue.

"EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP!!!", I yelled as there was a sharp pain in my head I held my head and grunt.

"Is there a power outage?", Stella asked as the lights started to twitch.

This pain became more and more powerful and I started seeing things I saw Bloom in the Circle of Stone with Rosalind I saw the Specialists running to the school and saw Dowling and the teacher I screamed as the pain became stronger.

"We have to check it out", Sam said and went outside.

My eyes widened as I saw what it was.


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