Chapter 12 (A fanatic heart)

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"Burned One's" I said as the pain stopped.

"We've got to save Sam", I said and tried to open the door again but it just was not working the we heard Sam scream in the hallway.

Sam cam threw the door and fell to the floor his leg was wounded and be was screaming in pain.

"There's a Burned One in the school!" He groaned and everyone looked at me in disbelief.

We placed Sam on the carpet "the infection is gonna spread soon", Terra spoke.

I saw how Musa had trouble breathing "Musa are you okay?", I asked.

"We need to do something!", She yelled. "I've lost signal " Stella tried to call someone.

For some reason I knew exactly what was happening with Musa I kneeled down and brushed her cheek.

"It's going to be okay", I said and she let her emotions focus on me "Good", I said.

"We need to get down and get the zanbaq! Go now!" Terra commanded and we suddenly heard a loud banging on the door.

We prepared ourselves for what was going to happen and the door flew open and we saw "Bloom!", I yelled "Sky!", Yelled Stella.

"We need to get help!", Terra said as Sky went to pick up Sam.

"He says there's a burned one in the school", Musa spoke.

"We need to get him to the courtyard their barricading it off." Said Sky as he picked up Sam and led him out and we all followed.

"Dad!", Terra yelled as we all entered the hospital room full of students.

They placed Sam on a bed and examined him. We were all looking at Sam as they did something to him.

"As we all know, Burned One's have infiltrated a barrier and school for some reason the magical energy wells which power everything at the school has failed I managed to speak to Queen Luna before they did. She understands the gravity of what's happening here, and Solarian troops are on their way we are closing all entrance to the courtyard we are safe for now. But we must prepare for reality that the Burned One's may infiltrated the space before they arrive this is what we've been training for. Be cautious but be brave let the magic guide you. Let's show them what real alfeans are about. prepare for the barricade" Miss Dowling gave a speech.

Everyone was busy with Sam but someone else needed me.

I looked over to him and saw his wounded body "Babe!", I yelled as Sky placed him on the bed.

"Baby, You look so beautiful", He said.

"Stop joking around and tell what you were doing?", I asked.

"I was trying to fight like any other student but it disagreed with me", He said.

"What were you doing!", I cried.

"I would have protected you why did you do this?", I asked.

"I'm dying now but you'll live for me won't you", He said.

"You are not dying we can get help. Somebody help him please!", I cried.

"Live for me", He said.

"No you won't die you won't die please!", I pleaded.

"What's my name?", He smirked "I know you know", He said.

"Grey, Grey your name is Grey!", I said.

"How did you know?" He asked. To be honest how do I know his name? But never mind that.

"Go and Kill those bitchy things do it for me", He said.

"You are going to live I promise!".

"Say my name one last time?", He smirked.



"Grey", I said but there was no response "Grey!"  I yelled but he didn't say anything.

"Grey, Grey, Grey Please don't please don't Grey!" I cried I looked over to sky who was doing nothing.

"Do something!", I yelled and he finally woke up.

"No no no Grey Grey! I yelled as they grabbed me away from him.

"Grey!" I yelled and I felt something change in me like a spark ready to fly into the air.

"Rosalind did this!", I already knew were she was I ran to the circle of stone faster than ever.

I grabbed her neck and pinned her to the wall "YOU DID THIS, YOU LET THE BURNED ONE'S INSIDE THE SCHOOL, YOU KILLED GREY, YOU LET CHILDREN IN DANGER, YOU KILLED INNOCENT PEOPLE HOW DARE YOU!", I yelled and through her to the side and she crashed hard on the wall.

I ran and grabbed her neck again. "If-f you kill me imagine what it will do to those innocent children and even more so Bloom, Kill me if you want but know this you. Will. Become. A. Murderer. And People won't spare you. It's better if you keep that little mouth of yours shut or I will have to take matters into my own hands" She said and I backed away from her.

I ran back to the school I entered and I saw the lights flickering again but this time they lit "They did it", I chuckled.

"They really did it", I chuckled and saw Bloom, Stella and Aisha go inside and I gave them the hugest hug "you do it!", I said "We really did it didn't we", They said and we continued to hug each other.

"I spent the night outside outside looking at the stars I looked at the time and went back inside I saw that everyone was asleep and I also joined I couldn't help but think about Rosalind and her evil plans but I moved that thought away and focused on what's important friends.

"Girls!", Bloom called us.

"Could my friends crash here this weekend?", Bloom asked her human parents on earth.

"Yes why not?", Blooms mom replied and we spent a few days on earth we were there when Bloom confessed that she's a fire fairy. We where there with Bloom when she was at her worst and we were there and laughed at dinner we always stand by each other they were there when I missed Grey they were there at my worst and made me feel better and I love them for that.

We where heading back to the school can't believe we managed to stay alive after all that that's good.

We entered the Alfea gate and saw Rosalind, Silvia and Queen Luna.

"Welcome back, ladies", Rosalind spoke.

"There have been a few changes".

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