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Six years have passed since the night Astrid first brought little Amari to Gabriella's cottage. Now, five-year-old Amari bounds through the meadows, giggling as Gabriella plays chase with her. Their laughter fills the air like music, and the sun beams down on the pair, creating a halo of warmth around them.

Later that day, Gabriella takes Amari to the bakery, something that has become a tradition since the child turned two.

The familiar scent of freshly baked bread and cakes greets them as they enter the cozy bakery. Amari bounces excitedly around the small shop, trying to sneak a cookie or two from the display shelf. Gabriella gently reprimands her, but the glint in her eyes reveals her amusement.

"Maria, these smell absolutely heavenly!" Gabriella exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with delight as she caught a whiff of the freshly baked pastries on the counter.

"Thank you, Gabriella, but I can't take all the credit. Your recipes are impeccable! I barely put any effort into these," Maria replied modestly.

"Maria, dear, don't be so hard on yourself! Anyone could have the best recipe in the world and still ruin the dish if they don't put in the effort."

Maria raised her hands in mock surrender with a smile before turning to little Amari.

"Well good day to you Ari."

"Hi aunty Mary!" Amari giggled and ran behind the wooden counter to give her a hug.

Maria, the friendly neighbor, coworker and confidante of Gabriella, often wondered about the origin of the child that appeared so suddenly in her friend's life. But Gabriella's explanation quelled any suspicions, and she had even offered to babysit Amari whenever Gabriella went out to buy ingredients for her bakery.

After Gabriella finishes her work for the day, she waves Maria good bye then return home with Amari to find Astrid already there. The sight of the little one running into Astrid's arms warms Gabriella's heart. The two women have grown incredibly close over the years, and their bond extends far beyond mere friendship.

As the women settle in, Astrid reveals a surprise she has hidden in her bag—a wooden toy for Amari. The child's eyes light up at the sight of the wooden horse, and she squeals with delight.

"How are you Astrid? And how was work?" Gabriella asks as she walks into her kitchen with the older witch in tow.

"I've been doing quite well and work has been, well there's something I'd like to tell you but not now." Just as she finished speaking, Amari burst into the kitchen with a grin on her face.

Both women exchanged knowing looks before Astrid took it upon herself to entertain little Amari while Gabriella starts preparing their dinner.

They all share plates of rice and vegetable stew with some chocolate cake. The laughter and warmth of the evening seemed to make time stand still.

When bedtime comes, Gabriella and Astrid tuck Amari into bed, telling her stories about her birth parents, Anslem and Sarah. Little Amari listens intently, wide-eyed and curious. She wanted to be brave like them, go on different adventures with the love of her life and have people tell tales of both of them.

After their bedtime routine is complete, Astrid and Gabriella retire to the living room, the soft crackle of the fire filling the space. Gabriella listens as Astrid recounts the events from the palace, her brow furrowed as Astrid expresses her concerns about Richard's new academy idea. He was the new heir to the Roubaix throne since his cousin committed treason against the palace and his people.

The academy in question was one for all and any supernatural, even humans were going to be enrolled into it. The proposal was fishy and Astrid didn't like it one bit.

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