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The town was alive with activity, as Amari made her way through the bustling streets, a package in hand. The men on horses had announced something about the academy's new classes for older students, and the need for volunteers, and Amari's curiosity was piqued. But she pushed it aside, determined to get her job done.

As she stepped out of the shop, she overheard the men on horses addressing the villagers.

"We need strong, determined youths to step forward and be a part of this great endeavor!" they proclaimed.

Amari's heart skipped a beat. She'd never considered anything like this before, but the idea of being part of something larger, something important, filled her with a sense of excitement. But she knew that her mothers wouldn't be pleased with her sudden interest, and so she tucked the thought away as she hurried home.

As she entered the cottage, her mothers immediately sensed something was amiss. Gabriella's eyebrows furrowed as she saw the look on Amari's face.

"What's wrong, my dear?" she asked, her voice gentle but concerned.

Amari hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to explain the strange mix of emotions swirling within her. But then she blurted out, "I heard about the academy needing volunteers, and...I wanted to sign up!"

Astrid's face turned pale. "Amari, no! You mustn't even consider it."

Amari's eyes widened. "But why not? It could be a chance to—"

Gabriella cut her off. "Because you're special, Amari. You mustn't expose yourself like that."

Amari's confusion was quickly turning to frustration. "What do you mean, 'special'?" she demanded. "I'm just a normal girl."

Astrid sighed and sat down on a nearby chair. "Amari, you're not just a normal girl. Your birth parents...they were extraordinary."

Gabriella nodded. "Your mother, she was a powerful witch. And your father...he was the true heir to the vampire throne. If the wrong people find out about you, it could be dangerous."

Amari stared at her mothers, her mind whirling.

"No," she whispered, shaking her head in disbelief. "That can't be true. I don't...I don't look like a witch or a vampire. And I can't do magic."

Astrid reached out to take Amari's hand. "You may not have much of your birth parents' physical traits, but the potential is still there. And as for magic, well, it takes time to master. But I can teach you, if you're willing."

Amari was silent for a long moment, then nodded slowly.

"Okay," she said. "I'll try."

And so, the next day, while Gabriella was away tending to her garden, Astrid took Amari into the forest for her first lesson in spellcasting.

"It's important to focus your energy and intent," Astrid explained, guiding Amari's hands into the proper position.

"Magic is about channeling your will through the world around you. It's about the connection between you and everything around you."

Amari listened, her brow furrowing in concentration.

"Now, close your eyes and concentrate on the rock before you," Astrid continued.

Amari's eyes slid shut, and she reached deep within herself, trying to tap into the well of power she'd never known she had.

"I am part of the earth," she whispered, the words almost spilling out of her. "I am connected to everything."

Astrid nodded, her expression encouraging. "Yes, just like that. Now, think of your will, your desire to move the rock."

Amari's brow furrowed deeper, her focus intensifying. She could feel a tingle in her fingertips, a sense of something alive and powerful.

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