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As news of Amari's alleged betrayal swept through the kingdom like wildfire, Ivy found herself in utter disbelief. She knew Amari, she thought, and there was no way she could be capable of such treachery.

Suspicions whirled around in her head as she recalled Amari's confession from that very morning, detailing her true identity. It had to be Richard, Amari's cunning uncle, who had orchestrated this plot, but Ivy knew that her own voice would likely fall on deaf ears.

Gathering their friends—Lily, Nathan, Sebastian and Tabitha—Ivy shared every detail of Amari's story, her eyes blazing with determination. Despite the grave circumstances, she couldn't help but find the group's stunned expressions amusing.

However, the moment of levity was short-lived as the reality of their situation sank in. As mere commoners, they had no power, and Amari was now locked away in the dungeon, awaiting her fate.

The room fell silent as they sat together, heads bowed in helplessness.


Astrid and Gabriella's hearts plummeted as the news of Amari's imprisonment reached their ears. Astrid's mind raced with fears and worries, her thoughts centered around the possibility that Richard had discovered Amari's true identity and revealed her royal marking.

"I should have cast a concealment spell on her marking when I had the chance," Astrid lamented, her voice tinged with guilt and regret.

Gabriella, ever the voice of reason, attempted to console her partner. "We can't dwell on the past, Astrid. We need to focus on helping Amari now."

Despite her reassuring words, Gabriella couldn't hide the worry in her eyes. She knew that since Richard had discovered Amari's true lineage, the situation was already direr than they could have ever imagined.

"We need to go to her," Astrid said, her voice firm with resolve. Gabriella nodded, hastily gathering a few essential items for their journey. Gabriella watched her partner, a sense of determination settling in her heart.

"I'm coming with you," she announced.

Astrid froze, turning to face Gabriella with a mixture of fear and concern in her eyes.

"It's too dangerous," she argued. "I can't risk anything happening to you."

Gabriella stepped forward, taking Astrid's hands in her own. "Amari is our daughter, Astrid. I love her as if she were my own flesh and blood. I would lay down my life for her without hesitation."

Tears welled up in Astrid's eyes as Gabriella continued, her voice filled with passion and conviction.

"We will save her together. Or die trying."

Astrid's resolve crumbled in the face of Gabriella's determination. She pulled her partner into a tight embrace, whispering,

"Thank you."

With their resolve strengthened, Astrid and Gabriella set off towards the town square to find Edward, Amari's former boss and mentor. Upon hearing the news, Edward was filled with shock and disbelief.

"This can't be true," he protested, his voice shaking with emotion. "Amari would never betray the kingdom."

Astrid and Gabriella exchanged a meaningful glance before recounting the events that had transpired. As the gossip and rumors circulating in the town reached their ears, they knew they had to set the record straight.

Edward listened intently, his concern for Amari growing by the minute. As Astrid and Gabriella prepared to depart, he declared, "I'm coming with you."

Astrid hesitated, her eyes darting to Edward's business. "But what about your work? Your husband?"

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