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The sun crested the horizon, bathing the forest in a soft golden light. Amari was already awake, her mind abuzz with thoughts of the day ahead. With a determined step, she made her way towards Edward's shop, her heart beating a little faster with each stride.

Today, she would be manning the register on her own, and she felt a mixture of nerves and excitement at the prospect. But as the day progressed, she quickly found her rhythm, engaging in lively conversations with customers and helping them find exactly what they needed.

The women who came into the shop, especially, seemed charmed by Amari's easygoing nature and androgynous appeal. She didn't quite understand the subtle flirting, but she returned their smiles with a genuine warmth that drew them in even more.

As the hours ticked by, the flow of customers began to slow, and Amari found herself adjusting the displays and tidying the shelves. That was when she heard the tinkle of the bell above the shop door, announcing the arrival of a new customer.

Turning, she froze.

Standing in the doorway, illuminated by a shaft of sunlight, was a young woman around Amari's age. Her brown hair cascaded in soft waves down her back.

Amari's breath caught in her throat. There was something about this woman that stirred feelings she had never experienced before.

The woman approached the counter, a shy smile on her face. "Hello," she said, her voice as soft as the wind rustling through leaves. "I'm looking for some dried herbs for my travels. Can you help me?"

As Amari looked up, her gaze fell upon the most exquisite gown she had ever seen. It was a lush, flowing garment of velvet and lace, adorned with delicate embroidery that resembled a wildflower meadow. The woman's dress was a mesmerizing tapestry of colors, each hue carefully chosen to complement the next.

She almost forgot the woman's question, her breath taken away by the beauty before her. But when she spoke, her voice was steady and welcoming.

"Of course, miss," she said. "What kind of herbs are you looking for?"

The woman smiled, her eyes twinkling like starlight. "I'm seeking lavender, rosemary, and chamomile," she replied. "I find they help keep me calm during long journeys."

Amari nodded, turning to the shelves behind her. As she selected the herbs, her fingers brushed against the soft petals, releasing a heady scent that filled the shop.

"Lavender is known for its calming properties," she said, turning back to the woman. "And rosemary is good for memory and focus. And chamomile is excellent for relaxation and sleep."

The woman's smile broadened. "It seems you know your herbs well," she said, her voice lilting and musical. "I'm impressed."

As Amari weighed and wrapped the herbs, their eyes met, and she felt her heart quicken. This was a feeling she hadn't experienced before, but she knew it was something special.

"There you go," she said, handing the package to the woman. "Safe travels, miss."

The woman's eyes lingered on Amari's for a moment longer, and then she turned to leave. "Thank you, kind shopkeeper."

As the woman left, Amari found herself watching the sway of her gown as she moved gracefully out of sight. Her heart felt like it was fluttering in her chest, and she couldn't quite shake the feeling.

She remained standing behind the counter, the package of herbs still in her hand, lost in thought. A part of her wanted to run after the woman and ask for a name, but her feet seemed to have roots.

The tinkle of the bell above the door snapped her out of her reverie, and she found Edward standing in the doorway, a quizzical look on his face.

"Amari," Edward said, a grin spreading across his face. "You look like you've just seen a ghost. Or maybe...a beautiful woman?"

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