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Days had passed since the grand banquet, and Amari found herself constantly glancing over her shoulder. Richard's knowledge of her heritage hung over her like a dark cloud. Ivy, sensing her friend's anxiety, had taken to spending more time with her and her friends, much to Amari's relief.

But Amari knew she needed more than just companionship. She needed to learn how to harness her magic, the way she did when she healed Ivy's mother. She sought out Tabitha, and together, they had found a secluded spot near the palace gardens.

Tabitha stood before her, hands clasped behind her back, and surveyed Amari with a critical eye.

"We'll start with some basic exercises to build up your concentration. Then, we'll try to replicate the pressure you felt when you cast the healing spell. It may take time, but I believe we can unlock your magic."

Amari nodded, her fingers digging into the dirt beneath her feet.

"Remember, Amari, this isn't a race. It's a journey of self-discovery. And I will be here to guide you."

For hours, they practiced. Tabitha taught Amari breathing techniques, how to focus her mind and channel her energy. Despite her initial clumsiness, Amari began to feel the power within her stir.

But try as she might, she couldn't replicate the sense of urgency that had fueled her healing spell. She grew frustrated, her hands balling into fists.

"I don't understand," she said, her voice strained. "I feel it, but I can't grasp it."

Tabitha's expression softened.

"I have an idea," Tabitha said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Close your eyes, Amari."

Amari obeyed, and almost instantly, she felt the magic surge through her.

"Keep them closed," Tabitha whispered, "and listen."

The sounds of the palace gardens filled Amari's ears. The rustling of leaves, the song of birds, the soft footsteps of palace servants in the distance. But then, something else. A yell. A loud cry.

Amari's heart raced, her eyes shooting open. In front of her, a palace guard, his sword unsheathed and glinting in the sunlight.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, advancing on Tabitha, his blade raised.

"Unsupervised spell-casting is forbidden!"

Tabitha backed away, her hands raised in a gesture of peace. "We meant no harm, we're just practicing!"

The guard glared at Tabitha, before having a firm grip on her arm, turning his attention to Amari who had come closer before shoving her aside.

"You!" The guard snarled, his eyes narrowing.

"I'll make an example of you both. For the King's safety, of course."

As the guard raised his blade, Amari felt her heart pound in her chest. Her hands trembled, her mind racing. She knew she couldn't let him hurt Tabitha.

With a burst of raw power, Amari shouted, "NO!" A surge of magic exploded from her palms, sending the guard flying backwards.

The guard instantly faded away, revealing Tabitha, smiling with pride.

Amari was panting, her hands trembling from the effort of the spell. She stared at Tabitha, her eyes wide with wonder.

"It...it worked," she whispered, her mind still reeling from the illusion. "You were right. Pressure...that's what I needed."

Tabitha nodded, a sly grin on her face.

"You've got a knack for it, Amari. And a power that's rare, even for the most skilled mages."

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