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Amari and Ivy were escorted to the palace by a few guards, their carriages rolling smoothly along the main roads. The palace wasn't far from the academy, but the prince had offered to transport them in style. As they rode, Amari and Ivy were quiet, lost in their own thoughts.

As she had stepped outside to get inside the carriage, her gold-embroidered silk suit shimmering in the setting sun, her eyes and ears alert to the sounds and sights around her. Ivy, dressed in a silken blue gown, followed closely behind, her heart fluttering with a mix of nerves and excitement. As their carriage had continued to rattle through the streets, Ivy had blushed under the compliments and teasing from Amari's friends while she had gotten ready back at the academy, their words lingering in her mind like a warm embrace. Amari, oblivious to Ivy's bashful thoughts, had sent a proud smile in her direction, her gaze lingering just a moment too long.

When they arrived at the palace gates, the chatter of the people outside grew louder. Amari and Ivy couldn't tell if they were nobles or commoners, but the attention made Amari feel a strange energy coursing through her body. She stepped out of the carriage first, then offered her hand to help Ivy down. As Ivy's feet touched the ground, the chatter momentarily ceased, and all eyes were on them.

Amari felt a sudden surge of pride and protectiveness, as if she were a king or queen helping her royal companion out of the carriage. Ivy's hand in hers was a gentle reminder of their bond, and Amari's heart swelled with affection. The guards ushered them inside the palace, their footsteps echoing through the grand halls.

As they entered, Amari's eyes adjusted to the opulent decorations and lavish furnishings. The palace was even more magnificent than she had imagined, with crystal chandeliers and intricate tapestries adorning the walls. Ivy squeezed her hand, and Amari turned to her with a reassuring smile.

As they entered, Amari's eyes adjusted to the opulent decorations and lavish furnishings. The palace was even more magnificent than she had imagined, with crystal chandeliers and intricate tapestries adorning the walls. Ivy squeezed her hand, and Amari turned to her with a reassuring smile.

They were quickly ushered into a grand hall, where the other winners of the competition were already gathered. Amari recognized a few of them from the academy, but most were strangers. Richard, the crown prince, stood at the far end of the hall, a charming smile on his face.

"Welcome, everyone," he said, his voice booming through the hall. "I'm so glad you could join me today. Please, make yourselves at home."

Amari felt a shiver run down her spine as Richard's eyes locked onto hers. She knew he was hiding something, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

As Amari and Ivy entered the throne room, all eyes turned to them. Their gold-accented attire and silk garments commanded attention, and they walked with grace and confidence. Amari's silk suit was tailored to perfection, and Ivy's dress shimmered in the light. They looked like royalty, and the nobles present couldn't help but stare.

Richard raised an eyebrow in acknowledgment, his gaze lingering on Amari for a moment before he turned back to his conversation. Amari and Ivy exchanged a brief glance, aware of the whispers and stares around them. They spotted a few familiar faces from school, but they were outnumbered by the nobles.

As the evening progressed, people approached them, assuming they were royalty due to their attire. Amari and Ivy played along, smiling and engaging in polite conversation. However, when a girl Ivy recognized started talking to them, Amari excused herself to get some drinks, feeling out of place.

By the food table, Richard appeared beside her, a smirk on his face. "Amari, my dear, you look stunning tonight," he said, his voice dripping with fake charm. "I see you're making quite the impression."

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