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Chapter 6

When I woke up, I wasn’t sure where I was. I slowly cracked my eyes open to see stark white walls. Medical equipment surrounded the bed I was laying on. That’s when the memories came flying back to me. The horn sounded and the truck’s brakes squealed trying to stop in time. I’d frozen in the street like a deer in the headlights, and the metal had crashed into my body, smashing all the air from my lungs. I remember hitting the ground and being gone, every memory after that, nothing but pain and blackness. I sat up in bed, and a blond headed nurse that appeared to be in her mid-forties came into the room.

“Harry,” she said, smiling. “You’re awake!” She walked over to the foot of the bed and retrieved my patient chart. She scribbled on it furiously before looking up at me again.

“Forgive me,” I said, “but do I know you?” Her smile faded away as she comprehended what I’d said.

“You don’t know who I am?” I shook my head. Was I supposed to know who she was? Why was she important? “Well,” she said, mostly to herself, “I guess you were only half conscious.” Her voice trailed off.  “My name is Molly Mead.”

“It’s nice to formally meet you, Molly,” I said, and I smiled. I reached up to pull at the gauze around the top of my head. My head itched furiously, and couldn’t stand having my hair smashed against my head like this. As my hand pulled at the bandages, I realized that my hair wasn’t flopping against my hands like it usually did. “Could you, um, hand me a mirror please?” My voice cracked, despite how hard I tried to keep it steady. Molly walked out to the nurse’s station and retrieved a small pocket mirror from her purse.

“Here,” she said, handing it to me. I unlatched it and pointed the reflective surface at my face. I gasped as I saw the hair on the right side of my head had been shaved entirely off. My mouth dropped open as my fingers grazed the air where my hair should’ve been. Molly just watched as I pieced together what happened. “They had to shave it for surgery, Harry," she said finally, taking the mirror from my hand.

“Do you know where my cell phone is?” I had to try to get ahold of Louis; he was going to be worried sick about me since I didn’t come home. Molly nodded, her blond hair swishing, and she walked out to retrieve it. A few moments later, she returned again, my cell phone in hand. I thanked her before unlocking it. I had two messages from Kate. I opened them, deciding that Louis could wait.

Saturday May 3

From: Kate

I've been kidnapped. Get the police. He's already killed someone else.

The other message was from location services. My heart raced in my chest. I knew it had been her. I had to get out of here. Kate needed my help. It was already May sixth. What if she was really hurt, or even dead? What if I was already too late?

No. Kate’s too strong to be done for that easily.

She had to be out there somewhere. I opened up the location services message. It was somewhere in northern England, but there was no specific town anywhere near where she was. I didn’t know what I could do. I felt so helpless, stuck in the hospital and not able to help anything. I sent a message to Louis.

To: Louis

I need to talk to you. I’m in Accident and Emergency downtown. Hurry.

I closed my eyes, and laid my head back on the pillows of the bed. I wish I hadn’t gotten off of the phone with her that night. I should’ve stayed on the phone, and this might not have happened. A lone tear slipped out of my closed eye, and streaked down my cheek.

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