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He had never seen such a scene before. Quan Jiaxi was frightened and shook his head violently: "Please! Please let me go..."

But his previous two experiences told him that the other party would definitely not let him go, and they wouldn't even understand what he was talking about.

S+3 stubbornly stretched out his hand to caress Quan Jiaxi's body, his eyes flashing with greedy desire, as if he wanted to swallow him in one gulp.

Their bodies were tightly intertwined, and Quan Jiaxi, who was held in S+3's arms, even felt his breathing a little short. The too oppressive distance made him overwhelmed.

Until his legs were spread open, revealing his frightened cock‎‍‎butt‌‍‍‎‌, Quan Jiaxi whimpered as his pants were taken off, and a cold cock‎‍‎butt was rubbing against him. The ‍‍‌‌chicken‎‍‎ba‌‍‍‎‌.

it's wired.

‍‍‌‌Chicken‎‍‎Ba‌‍‍‎‌It was like turning into another ‍‎‌‎‍Sao‍‍‌‎‌hole‎‎‍‌. Quan Jiaxi was being bumped wantonly by S+3. Quan Jiaxi could almost lose his balance, and his legs were unconscious. Open.

"Too heavy...too..."

Such a scene is too outrageous. Since the end of the world, he has never thought about such things as love and lust.

Just trying to survive every day is exhausting enough, let alone like now, being watered by love and desire every day and becoming a slut who only knows how to moan and coo.

But no matter how much Quan Jiaxi resisted, his weak cock finally became hard and was coated with S+3's cold mucus.

With his whole body weak and tightly entangled by S+3, Quan Jiaxi felt like the prey being targeted by a snake.

When Quan Jiaxi opened his eyes, he could still see S+3's wild eyes, staring at him closely, motionless and not even blinking.

Startled, Quan Jiaxi's arm clung to S+3, and he almost went crazy.

After finally regaining her firm flesh, Quan Jiaxi swallowed a cold finger. Her intestines were extremely tight due to nervousness, making it difficult to insert them. Going in, S+3 stubbornly tried again and again.

Quan Jiaxi, who knew he couldn't escape, couldn't stop crying, his body was trembling slightly, and he could only be forced to accept this sad fate.

Become the monster's ‍‍‎‌‍‌‍slave‍‌‎‎‌, trapped here all your life for them to vent their desires.

‎‌‍‍‍‌‎‍After inserting into the ‌‌‎‍‍‎‎‌‌, the fingers of the ‌‌‎‎‍‌‎‍ began to stir, and soon the ‎‌‍‎‍dirty water flowed out, Getting in and out has gradually become much easier.

Soon the tight ‍‌meat‍‎‎‌‌hole‍‎‌ was able to swallow four fingers. Quan Jiaxi moaned lowly until the whole person was picked up and leaned against S+3.


‍‌Meat‍‎‎‌‌The fingers of the hole‍‎‌ were pulled out. Before Quan Jiaxi could breathe a sigh of relief, the bigger and colder cock‎‍‎ba‌‍‍‎‌ was slowly inserted in.

The other big ‍‎‎‌cock‎‍‎‍‌‍‌ followed his ‍‍‌‌cock‎‍‎bar‌‍‍‎‌, rubbing his perineum and rubbing his ‌‎‎‍‍turtle‍‌‎‍‌head‌‎ ‍.

He had never seen such a strange structure before. Quan Jiaxi took a deep breath, fearing that he would be injured, so he could only relax his body as much as possible.

If you relax your riding posture for a moment, you can swallow the whole cock‎‍bar‎‍‌‍‌ completely. Your waist is controlled by S+3, swallowing the cock‎‍bar‎ up and down. ‍‌‍‌.

Lying on S+3's chest, Quan Jiaxi's face was flushed, a subtle moan escaped from his mouth subconsciously, and his lower abdomen was squeezed out by the big cock‎‍bar‎‍‌‍‌.

"Hmm... um... too deep..."

Touching her bulging belly, Quan Jiaxi's face suddenly turned pale, fearing that her intestines would be damaged by the ‍‎‌‌fuck.

This monster's cock‎‍‎butt‌‍‍‎‌ is also very large, and its body temperature is very low, so cold that it was finally warmed by his intestines.

S+3 also seems to like the warmth on his body, sticking to him all the time and refusing to let go.

After being plunged into the world of horror, he was entangled by crazy lunaticsWhere stories live. Discover now