Chapter 1

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Thermite: Charges are in place, give me the sign and I'll blow it up.

Glaz: Stop, find a hiding spot, an enemy squad is on their way to you.

Blitz: You can't take them out, Glaz?

Glaz: Negative. They have more guys down there than I have bullets.

Kapkan: Let them come inside, I have a surprise for them. Multiple surprises, actually.

Kali: They're armored. Heavily armored.

Kapkan: My traps don't care about armor.

Lion: I'm scanning the area, stand by.

Osa: They're coming right towards me.

Goyo: Don't shoot, it'll blow our cover.

Gridlock: Don't shoot? What else is she supposed to do? Die? Shoot them if you have to.

Shots echoed through the Iranian military base, two of their soldiers dropped dead to the ground.

Melusi: Crap...that was loud...

Sirens began howling making the soldiers run into cover.

Glaz and Kali were able to take a few down from very far away with their sniper rifles, covering the other operators that were deeper inside the base.

Clash: Great! Now whole fucking Iran knows we're here!

Tachanka: So what? We will mow them all down anyway.

Castle: I agree with my russian friend over here.

He said as he barricaded the windows of the hangar they just took.

Lion: My scan is showing over 500 enemy soldiers in the area.

This made Tachanka burst out in laughter.

Tachanka: It's gonna be a fucking slaughter! Like Christmas!

Smoke: Deploying gas canisters all over this building. They're in for a surprise.

IQ: Just for the statistics, how many soldiers have we killed already?

Azami: I stopped counting at 54.

Maestro: Tachanka is right, it's gonna be a long and glorious day.

IQ: You don't understand the consequences of this. Even if we'll survive, this will give Iran a reason to retaliate.

Thorn: Which means we have one more reason to hit them hard.

Brava: Shit! I'm hit!

Glaz: What's your position? I can't see you on the field.

Brava: Outside of the command-

Her comms changed to static.

Ram: That's not good.

Flores: Can someone check on her?

Wamai: How? We're getting shot at from all sides!

Goyo: Guys, we're closing in with our plane, we'll rain down some fire so we advise you to take cover.

Rook: All their AA guns are in our control you may begin your run.

Warden: Alright, we're almost there, everyone ready?

Thunderbird: It's too late to not be ready, we have visual on the base.

Kaid: Opening fire.

The warplane flew over the base and released a mixture of rockets and machine gun fire, killing everything in their way.

Friendly Fire | Task Force 141 x Team RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now