The End

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Vigil: Ash, we have a problem.

Ash: What is it?

Vigil: We found a storage full of chemical weapons.

Ash: Where?

Vigil: Hard to say where, it's just a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. The workers didn't even see us coming.

Ash: Did you kill them?

Vigil: Yes.

Ash: Dammit, since when are you guys shooting at civilians?

Vigil: Since those civilians became armed with rifles.

Ash: At least they were a threat, I guess.

Vigil: What do we do with these chemicals?

Ash: Wait a second. I'll talk to Six. I'll be back in a sec.

Vigil: Alright.

Ash changed the comms channel and asked Six if she was there.

Ash: Six? Do you copy?

Six: Stop talking to me like I'm some kind of soldier.

Ash: Vigil and Nøkk found a warehouse full of chemical weapons.

Six: This warehouse needs to be destroyed.

Ash: Didn't you hear what I just said? It contains chemical weapons.

Six: It doesn't matter. Iran will send those chemicals to one of their many proxy groups and they're gonna use it to harm and kill civilians.

Ash: Six, I will send a squad over to confiscate the warehouse. Then we'll plan our next move.

Six: Would you shut up, Ash? I told you it needs to be destroyed immediately, what about that did you not understand?

Ash: I don't know, maybe the fact that you want to blow up a bunch of chemicals in an enemy country?

Six: So what? These are not our chemicals?

Ash: But we'll be the ones who blew them up and released them.

Six: And how do they want to prove that?

Ash: It's not about the proof, it's about what we did.

Six: Do you know where this warehouse is?

Ash: Vigil said it was "in the middle of nowhere".

Six: See? That means no civilians nearby.

Ash: Right, it's not like the chemicals will rise into the air and get carried by the wind.

Six: That won't be our concern.

Ash: You're making a mistake, Six.

Six: Ash, we don't have time to fuck around right now. We need that distraction so that our forces can escape this shithole of a country.

Ash: They can escape anyway, without the help of chemical weapons. We just need someone to pick them up.

Vigil: Ash, we need to talk.

He said through the other channel, which Six couldn't hear.

Ash: Six, I need to go now. We'll talk later.

Six: You stay right where you are Ash.

Vigil: Something is approaching us from the sky, Ash, do you copy?

Ash: Something is approaching Vigil and Nøkk.

Six: I know, it's my drone.

Vigil: Ash, these weapons aren't just chemical weapons, they turned out to be Nukes.!

Ash: Six, stop! These aren't just chemical weapons, they are nukes!

Six: That's just nonsense, Ash. Now stop being annoying before I throw you in a cell like I did with Dokkaebi.

Ash: You did what to Dokkaebi?

Six: You heard me Ash. And Task Force 141 is collecting the rest of team Rainbow as we speak, to put them behind bars as well.

Ash: Please tell me you're joking.

Six: I'm not, everyone except you will be put into a maximum security jail.

Ash: You betrayed all of us...

Six: Jail is the only place where you wouldn't get killed by the shadows, so you guys should thank me.

Ash: Thank you for stabbing us in the back like that? You could've provided a safe place for the operators to hide.

Six: Graves would've found you guys anyways, you're not made to fight wars. Especially not against Shepard.

Ash: You've been with them from the start, haven't you.

Six: This doesn't concern you. And you better start being on my side or I'll have you thrown into jail as well.

Ash: I won't let you do that.

Six: Whatever, how about you say goodbye to Vigil and Nøkk first?

An explosion was heard on the other channel, causing Ash to lose signal with Vigil.

Ash: What the hell did you do...

Six: Watch the news in a minute, Ash. And you better get your shit together, very soon. You'll hear from me again in a few hours, I want you to be sharp again till then.

10 minutes later

News Anchor: Tragedy struck Iran as a warehouse loaded with nukes exploded. It is not clear what or who caused this explosion, connections are being made with the military base massacre, where american mercenary stormed the base and killed hundreds of Iranian soldiers. And also the hijacking of an iranian plane. Is this a modern day terrorist attack by the US? And how will Iran and its allies respond to this? Will-

Ash turned off the TV and dropped the remote on the ground, covering her face with her hands.

Ash: Fuck...we'll never get through this alive...

The End

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