Chapter 4

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Vigil: Ash, they blew up the entrance of the tunnel, we have no way of returning now.

Ash: Understood, Vigil. Keep going forward, you will soon reach an exit hatch. Watch out for enemies.

Kapkan: Shit...they're breaking into the building! I don't have enough traps to hold them back!

Tachanka: Don't get sweaty yet, comrade. You still have me on your side.

The armored Russian responded as he kept shooting his LMG at the approaching enemies.

Jäger: Guys, they have a tank.

Thermite: They have a what-

A heavy projectile punched through the building, knocking everyone down and destabilizing the building.

Tachanka: Alright, take this, fucker!

He opened fire at the tank along with Maestro.

Their LMG's were spitting bullets at the tank but the metal beast just aimed its huge gun at them.

Soon, they ran out of ammo and just stared at the machine, not knowing what to do.

"Are you two Rambos done yet?"

A voice inside of the tank asked.

"Good, because every single one of you is under arrest. You guys are coming with me."

A bunch of black armored soldiers stormed the building and surrounded team six, guns aimed at the operators' heads.

Pulse: Who are you?

The hatch of the tank opened and a man crawled out of it.

It was Phillip Graves, the bloodhound of General Shepard.

Tachanka: Shepard's dog? Does your master know that you're here?

Graves: Of course he does, you guys are messing with his mission, so he told me to take care of you.

He explained as the sound of helicopters above got closer and louder.

Graves: We can do this the hard way, or the easy way. You're coming with us and the court will decide your fate. can keep resisting and we'll bomb this place to bits. Your choice.

Thermite: We are Team Rainbow, operating under the International Anti Terrorism Alliance, you can't arrest us.

Graves: We can and we will, soldier.

Mira: Fuck off, I'm calling Six.

Graves: Commander Six sends her regards.

Kapkan: She agreed to this shit?

He asked, taking a step closer to Graves.

Graves: She's bound to international laws just like we all are. She knows that we're in the right.

Pulse: In the right? You guys aren't even an official army. You're just mercenaries.

Graves: We're serving our country and we're fighting for international safety. Nobody cares if we're official or not, we're the guys that get the job done.

Jäger: So you guys will just throw us into some prison and let us rot?

Graves: We'll bring you to court, they will decide what to do with you. But considering that you illegally took on this mission, without permission, your punishment will be rather harsh.

Pulse: Six approved this mission. We followed her orders.

Graves: I find that very difficult to believe, soldier. Six wouldn't break the law like that, she's too smart to risk Rainbow's existence.

Deafening sound waves crashed down on the group from above, triggered by Echo's drone.

The mercenaries began firing at the ceiling and the sky, while the operators took cover and reloaded their guns.

An EMP grenade exploded, stripping the mercs from their electric scanners.

Tachanka: Attack!

Friendly Fire | Task Force 141 x Team RainbowKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat