Chapter 5

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Vigil: Ash, I'm hearing gunshots above us, lots of gunshots.

Ash: You and Nøkk are the only ones I'm still connected to, the others cut me off...shit.

Vigil: I don't think this is going to end well.

Ash: Six refused to send in Air Support.

Vigil: That's our only way out.

Ash: I know...crap.

Vigil: We're approaching an exit hatch...

Ash: Get out of there and run, that's your best hope now.

Vigil: Run where?

Ash: Anywhere. I'll send a squad to pick you up.

Vigil: Like you sent Air Support to help us?

Ash: It's not within my power to do so, Vigil. I can only do so much without the permission of Six.

Vigil: You left us for slaughter.

Ash: I didn't. I would give my life for every single one of you. You know that very well, Vigil.

Vigil: Our team is getting killed and it doesn't look like you're doing much to stop it.

Ash: I'm doing the best I can.

Vigil: The best? Then send in some planes and helicopters.

Ash: On enemy territory and on an undercover mission? You think it's so easy to do?

Vigil: Should've thought about that before you sent us in here.

Ash: Vigil, please. I don't have the time and energy to argue with you now. Please just do what I say and this all will be over soon.

Vigil: Over? As in we'll all die "over"?

Ash: It doesn't have to end in death if you're smart.

Vigil: I don't think smarts will help us out of here. Only missiles and bullets will.

Ash: If you leave through the exit hatch now, you can run right into a forest where you can hide and wait for my squad to pick you up.

Vigil: Wait for how long?

Ash: I don't know...a few hours at most.

Vigil: What will you do about the guys that we left back at the base?

Ash: I...I'll just have to see how many of them are still left.

Vigil: And do what?

Ash: And take them back home, obviously.

Vigil: Alright, we're leaving the tunnels. Talk to you soon.

Ash: Take care, both of you.

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