Chapter 3

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Ash: Glaz? Glaz can you hear me?

Ash was trying to talk to him through his walkie which wasn't in his hands anymore.

"What are you doing here?"

The masked man, holding the walkie asked.

Glaz: Who the fuck are you?

"Someone who's supposed to take care of you guys."

Glaz: So you're with Hassan?

"Quite the opposite."

Glaz: I don't get it. Stop fucking around.

"Your team is operating on our territory. This was our mission."

Glaz: Now I get it...You're the Shadow Company.

"Correct, now tell me what made you think that you could take our operation away from us?"

Glaz: You should be glad we're helping you.

"Help? You alerted the Iranian Army. They're on their way here now."

Glaz: We were planning on retreating before your guys rolled by and started shooting at us.

"Should've thought about that before you came into our territory."

Glaz: I've never seen someone bitching around because of support.

"You alerted Hassan and now he's gone, which set us back for months. You have no idea how long we've been looking for him."

Glaz: Look, you got your orders and we've got ours. That's it. We just did what we were told to do.

"Why would Six care about our mission. Besides, you're not soldiers, you're a counter terrorist force, you have no business being out here."

Glaz: We've beaten stronger foes.

"Stronger than Hassan? Maybe. Stronger than us? I don't think so."

Glaz: I see where we are standing we're foes from here on out?

"We are at "capture or kill Team Rainbow". So we're definitely not buddies anymore."

Glaz: You'd have more success killing than capturing us.

"It's all the same for me."

Glaz: Are you the ones that sent in the kamikaze drones to the base.

"No, that was the Iranian response, that we took care of."

Glaz: What happens now?

"Air strikes against the building that your buddies are hiding in."

Glaz: You're really going to kill operators on your side without any second thought?

"They hinder our operation which makes them a valid target."

Glaz: This will go to the court.

"Laws don't work on mercenaries."

Glaz: Our group is still protected by the law, you guys will be punished. Especially your boss, Graves.

"You know quite a lot about us."

Glaz: We did our homework.

"I should kill you for your knowledge, but you could prove as a very skilled shadow."

Glaz: You think after everything you guys did, I would join you?

"Torture can do wonders."

Glaz: You can't break me.

"I'm not going to...yet. Have a breath of air, you've been through quite some fighting. Figure things out for yourself and recover while I'm gone."

He advised as he broke Glaz's walkie by squeezing it with his hand and dropping it back to the ground.

"You won't need that anymore."

Glaz: Six will find you. You all will be punished for firing at allies.

"Let's wait and see how everything will play out."

The masked man responded before leaving the room and shutting the door.

Friendly Fire | Task Force 141 x Team RainbowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora