Chapter 8

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Blackbeard POV

I escaped the battlefield after killing a bunch of shadows, I lost contact to the other operators and it's too late to return to the base now.

Seems like Iran has sent out searching parties to find us, God knows what they'll do with us when they find us, something tells me it wouldn't be a quick death.

After moving forward and sticking to the shadows for some time, I arrived at a city which was very well populated.

The traffic was very active and I spotted a taxi, so I took my chance, skipped over to it and got into the backseat.

The driver didn't pay any attention to me at all and babbled something in a language that I couldn't understand.

A click of my pistol made his eyes shoot up and look into the rear mirror.

Blackbeard: English?

He shook his head.

"Only little bit."

He responded with a nervous smile.

Blackbeard: Drive.

He nodded rapidly and drove off, while still sending a few glances into the rear mirror.

"What you want?"

Blackbeard: Getting the fuck outta here.

"You need plane."

Blackbeard: Yeah, that's why you'll drive me to the nearest airport.

"Airport? Okay!"

He gave me a thumbs up and sped up.

"Blackbeard, do you copy?"

A familiar voice asked me through my comms.

Blackbeard: Copy, Fuze.

Fuze: At least someone who responds. How are you holding up, comrade?

Blackbeard: I'm in a taxi, making my way out of this shithole.

Fuze: Wait. We can pick you up.

Blackbeard: Nah, I'm good.

Fuze: Where are you heading?

Blackbeard: To the airport.

Fuze: Wait, wait, wait. You can't do that man, we need you here.

Blackbeard: Are you intending to stay here?

Fuze: Yes, we're gathering our members and preparing for a counterattack against Graves.

Blackbeard: You guys haven't had enough of suicide missions?

Fuze: Task Force 141 is on our side.

Blackbeard: I'm glad some toddlers with guns will help you against Graves' army of shadows.

Fuze: What do you mean by that?

Blackbeard: It's a death sentence.

Fuze: We will kill him.

Blackbeard: You'll be jailed for life if you do that.

Fuze: I don't give a fuck, I want this dog dead.

Blackbeard: Then you're on your own.

Fuze: Are you betraying us?

Blackbeard: I'm heading back home.

Fuze: They'll arrest you. They're probably already waiting for us at every airport and the coast.

Blackbeard: I'll take my chances.

Friendly Fire | Task Force 141 x Team RainbowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant