Chapter 7

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Fuze: Ash? Ash, do you copy?

The operator asked as walked through the forest with another operator.

Jäger: The comms are cut, there's no way to reach her.

Fuze: Why the hell are we so poorly prepared for this kind of situations?

Jäger: Never really had to do stuff like this before.

Fuze: I should've stayed in fucking prison, would've been better than doing this shit, but no they had to drag me into this.

Jäger: In prison?

The Russian operator's eyes widened behind his mask, realizing he told Jäger more than he should have.

Fuze: Forget about it.

Jäger: Six said you were leading anti terrorism operations in Europe.

Fuze: Yeah.

Jäger: Prison doesn't sound like anti terrorism operations.

Fuze: It was all pretty messed up.

He claimed as he weakly sighed.

Jäger: Why were you imprisoned?

Fuze: I don't want to talk about it.

"The killing of a hostage in London got him behind bars."

A voice informed them, somewhere inside the forest.

Fuze: What the fuck?

He mumbled as he tightened his grip around his rifle and scanned the trees around them.

Jäger: Come out, now.

"Lay down your guns first, you should go easy on your ammo. There's not much left of it."

Fuze: Enough to kill you.

"Ready to test that statement?"

Jäger: Who are you?

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is what team I'm in."

Jäger: What Team are you in then?

"We're after Graves, just like you."

Fuze: We? After Graves? We'd be happy to just survive.

"You don't want to avenge your fallen friends?"

Fuze: Want? Yes. Can? No.

"We know where he's heading."

Fuze: Oh yeah? Why don't you kill him then?

"Because we don't have enough men for that. But together, we do."

Fuze: Like I said, we're not here to kill Graves, we just want to go back home.

"He will hunt you down or put you in a rigged court. His goal is to dissolve Team Rainbow, are you gonna let this happen?"

Jäger: What are we supposed to do? We're running out of ammo just as you said.

Fuze: We're also running out of operators.

"Join us, we'll gather the rest of your group and get Graves together."

Fuze: We're not your fucking meat shield.

"You never were supposed to be."

Jäger: I think we should give him a shot.

He whispered to Fuze.

Fuze: In the head?

Jäger: No! A chance, you know?

Fuze: You're fucking crazy, he'll light us up the second we lower our guns.

"Guys, decide faster. We're running out of time. Your comrade Glaz is waiting for you."

Jäger: What?

Fuze: You got Glaz?

"He's fine, we pulled him out of the battlefield. No injuries."

Fuze: Shit...alright then. Come out.

"Lower your guns first."

Jäger did immediately and nodded at Fuze to do the same.

Fuze shook his head with a sigh and lowered his rifle.

A masked man appeared from somewhere out of the trees and approached them.

Fuze: Fuck...what's this ugly thing on your head?

"It's a mask."

Jäger: Who are you?

"They call me Ghost. I'm a member of the Task Force 141."

Fuze: Task Force 141? For fuck's sake, why didn't you say so right away?

Ghost: Why didn't you ask?

Jäger: I did ask...

Ghost: Oh, my bad then.

Fuze: Alright smartass, get us to Glaz. We need to start regrouping right away.

Ghost: We're currently searching for the rest of you. You need to get off the surface, Graves is eager to kill you.

Fuze: This son of a bitch will hang soon enough.

Ghost: He will, after you guys regroup, so follow me.

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