Chapter 6

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Just as the Rainbow Team decided to attack, a bunch of smoke bombs were thrown into the battlefield from above, covering everything in thick smoke.

A missile hit Graves' tank, knocking it out and forcing him to run in cover as the Rainbow Team mowed down every Shadow in their way.


Gaz, a member of the Task Force 141 asked as he entered the room and saw Captain Price operating a drone through a screen.

Price: Gaz?

Gaz: What was that?

Price: What was what?

Gaz: You threw down a bunch of smoke and blew up Graves' tank.

Price: I did.

Gaz: Why?

Price: Because Team Rainbow would've been slaughtered if I didn't do that.

He said, his eyes still fixed on the screen as he watched Team Rainbow massacring the Shadows.

Gaz: Team Rainbow is not on our side.

Price: They're fighting terrorists just as we do.

Gaz: So are the shadows.

Price: There are thousands of Shadows, but only a handful of Rainbow Operators.

Gaz: So that gives you the right to bomb our allies?

He asked, raising his voice.

Price: Keep it down, Gaz. Let's not start a fight over scum like the Shadows.

Gaz: We were cooperating with them for quite some time and suddenly they're scum?

Price: They are. Attacking our allies is not a good trait.

Gaz: So what? Rainbow was way outta line!

He countered, raising his voice once again.

Gaz: We fucked up, Rainbow was-

Price: Remember, Gaz.

Price cut him off by raising a finger into the air.

Price: The Shadows would've done the same to us, if we refused to follow Shepard's orders. They would've bombed us just like they bombed Team Rainbow a minute ago.

Gaz: That's bullshit.

Price: It's not. I know Graves...and I know Shepard even better. They're not allies you can trust.

Gaz: Since when? We never had any trouble with them.

Price: There are a lot of things that you don't know about them.

Gaz: It looks like I caught you firing on our own troops and now you're trying to talk your way out of this, Captain.

Price slowly stood up from his chair and turned around to face Gaz, who was now pointing his rifle at the Captain.

Price: Look who's turning their guns on their mates now.

Gaz: I'll have to report you to Shepard.

Price: We'll all be punished for this, you know that.

Gaz: It's either that or I put you down right now.

Price: Do what you have to but don't say I didn't warn you about Shepard.

Gaz: You want me to believe you? Show me proof.

Price: He's cooperating with Arasaka.

Gaz: That's bullshit.

Price: It's not. He really wants those sweet cybernetic enhancements for his soldiers.

Gaz: We don't need cybernetics, we're the best of the best.

Price: Until we get ambushed by some guerilla fighters that we're not prepared to fight.

Gaz: Whatever, but Shepard cooperating with Arasaka? That's the worst lie I've ever heard.

Price: Arasaka needs a new army. They've been crippled by that undead Rockstar, forgot his name but you get what I mean. Smasher can't carry everything on his own back.

Gaz: So he chose some random PMC as his new army?

Price: What other options did he have?

Gaz: Vought?

Price: They're already partners and it's not looking too bright for both of them.

Gaz: Doesn't mean that he would rely on a fucking mercenary group.

Price: Why not? Smasher remembers very well what Armstrong's mercs did. The Desperados were a force to be reckoned with. If they turn the Shadows into a cyborg army...we'll have a big problem.

Gaz shook his head, not trusting the Captain one bit.

Gaz: Just give up. I'm turning you in, you'll face-

A pistol was smacked over Gaz's head, dropping him to the ground unconscious.

Price: Soap, what took you so long?

Soap: I'm not really experienced in smacking guns over the heads of my comrades.

Price: Hell, you better get used to it, mate. We're about to do that a lot more often than usual. 

Friendly Fire | Task Force 141 x Team RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now