~The Savage~

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§Name§ Tiberius Coleman

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§Name§ Tiberius Coleman

§Nickname§ Ty

§Age§ 16

§Gender§ male

§Sexuality§ Bisexual

§Personality§ Ty likes things to be his way, and if he doesn't get what he wants he becomes cruel and angry. He has no morals and isn't afraid to be mean. Growing up he was very disciplined and was "the perfect child" but he has always longed to be free. He has a relatively short temper and doesn't like authority figures or being told what to do. Ty is very lazy and would much rather sit around or play than do actual work. He's snobbish and arrogant, he puts himself on a pedestal and wants everyone to see just how good he is.


§Backstory§ Ty was the perfect kid, all A's, hard worker, kind and obedient

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§Backstory§ Ty was the perfect kid, all A's, hard worker, kind and obedient. He was numb because of all the pressure set upon him. He went to an all boys school in England, and he was in top honors. There was an outbreak of bombs from allied countries and they were forced to get on a plane. Ty didn't think much of it, he figured the allied countries would help them out. They were getting evacuated and moved to America. The plane was shot down and Ty along with many others crash landed on an island that no one even knows exists. Now, with the realization that there are no rule, no adults, no one to order him about, he can do whatever the hèll he wants.

~The voice of reason
~wants to be rescued
~must be male (the only exception will be if you talk to me)
~based on Lord of the Flies so please know at least the premise of the book



[Scenario 1]
"It seems we're all alone out here, England has forgotten us"

Ty gasped as he burst out of the water, climbing on to the sandy beach. He was breathing harshly as he looked around feverishly, trying to find any sign of life. Next to him another person pops up, you, out of breath and just as crazed looking. He grabs your shoulder hard and looks you in the eye with a mad look in his own green orbs, "Where are we?" He asked quietly. You?

[Scenario 2]
"It's all make believe, pretending to be better off then we are. What's the point?"

Factions have started to form and the small hope of being rescued is starting to dwindle. One group has decided to take it upon themselves to keep a fire going in case a passing plane or boat might see it, the other group is focused on just having fun and will listen to no one. Ty being in the later group, decides he wants to explore this strange woke they've landed on. His previous cuts and scrapes from the crash landing have all healed up now and it's been roughly two days. Ty is trying to recruit people to explore with him, but you know he might just get himself killed as he has no survival instincts or skill. You, however, have some knowledge. Enough to make a difference at least. "You're all a bunch of babies! Too scared of the big bad forest!" Ty said in a mocking tone and stormed up to you, "If you're the leader you want them to think you are then come with me." He demanded, you?

[Scenario 3]
Make it up!

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