~The Wolf~

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•NAME•Greyson Bane

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Greyson Bane

Grey, Alpha, Mister Bane




Panromantic homosexual (it means he loves everyone but finds he is only sexually attracted to men)

Grey is very calm and loyal, he can be witty and snappy most times. He has an aura of authority and a challenging stare. He can and will rip you apart with words if you argue with him, however he isn't one to be in direct conflict. He tends to be a bit submissive which doesn't make for good alpha material.

He is very protective of those he loves and will go through great lengths to please and protect those he has. He'd like to believe he's on top of the world, but he has a lot he needs to work on within himself as he struggles with mild anxiety and depression and slight anorexia.


Grey has black hair cut just above his ears

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Grey has black hair cut just above his ears. His eyes are an emerald green, he's a bit smaller than average and slim, He has a naturally tan skin tone With freckles dusting his face. He often wears sweatshirts and the likes to hide how skinny he is, and of course blue jeans. He wears military grade combat boots.

Hot foods
Any sort of praise

Fast moving bodies of water or deep water
Bitter foods
Not being able to do something
Being told 'no'
Being ignored

Grey was born the alpha in his pack. He had always been a little smaller than the rest but everyone respected him nonetheless. Of course he was bullied by the omegas as they didn't fear the consequences, he became full of self doubt and became quiet and more stern. As a teenager his parents where killed at the hands of a witch and that was the last straw. He lost it. There was a point where he didn't care what happened. He slowly came out of that and realized his responsibilities as the Alpha. Of course he still has that self doubt and some other problems, but he keeps all that locked away. When he turned 18 he was supposed to find his mate, every werewolf did, it was just how it is. But he was left with no one, a mateless werewolf. It was a rare occurrence and usually meant that person was cursed by the Moon Godess, and with Grey's luck, it must be true. He found a way to ignore the nasty looks others gave him and the constant reminder that he was cursed. As time went on, he lost hope on the whole ordeal and sort of became a bit depressed. He adopted a little girl from the pack who also lost parents to the witches that came through, her name is Malarie. Grey began to focus only on her and forgot to keep his health in check which caused him to become thinner.

He's feisty but easily submissive, mateless, and in general not Alpha material.


Firra (yes it is female)


black fur that gets lighter around the chest to a nice Chestnut color

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black fur that gets lighter around the chest to a nice Chestnut color. Burning green eyes.

Whitefire Pack


°can only be human, werewolf, or witch/warlock (preferably werewolf)
°Has heard about Grey, the weak Alpha
°Somewhat different personality than Grey
°Older than him
°The wolf and the person are two different beings who live amongst a shared body, however the wolf is only instincts and doesn't talk or project thoughts. Intense emotions causes a person to shift. Keep this in mind.

(If werewolf)

°Scenario 1°
"Is it true?"

So you've heard of Grey, the young and weak Alpha, both in appearance and mind. Whether it be from one of your supernatural friends or just simple word around the shadow market. It seemed he was mateless, and perhaps that was his curse. The rumors intrigued you, made you want to know if such a person did exist. Mateless? Bah! That was unheard of, but still it remained true. At least, of all the werewolf things you knew, being mateless was a big deal. You wanted to see for yourself. You traveled to Yellowstone on a trip for your job as a Nat Geo Wild journalist, not expecting to actually meet Grey. Heck, you never even knew his Pack resided there! But nonetheless, when you stayed out just a little too late and lost your map, getting yourself lost, Grey found you. He offered to help and bring you back to the pack house. He looked at you with soft pity and spoke like he was talking to a frightened animal, "I can give you a place to stay the night and help you back to wherever you came from." What do you do?

°Scenario 2°
"Join up? Are you insane!"
(Must be werewolf)

Greyson has been trying to salvage his pack for awhile, after a long and grueling fight between the other creatures of the land, his pack was reduced down to almost nothing. Now he's trying to get the rival pack to join him to make up for the lost numbers but Grey's reputation precedes him. Who would want to join packs with the weak alpha? The way the rival pack sees it, that would be a death wish. Even so, both packs have dwindled in numbers and now it's all about survival and passing on lineage. One day, Greyson comes to your doorstep to have a meeting. To try and change your packs mind and convince them to join. You are a representative (Alpha, Beta, or other) and you don't seem to like Grey all that much after hearing so much gossip about him. What do you do?

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