Dare. (R.G)

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also this isn't edited or proof read so don't point out mistakes pls

"Let's play truth of dare!" Shane's voice echoed through Regina's house, she rolled her eyes, not wanting to play the stupid child game, but all of her friends agreed so she felt like she had too

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"Let's play truth of dare!" Shane's voice echoed through Regina's house, she rolled her eyes, not wanting to play the stupid child game, but all of her friends agreed so she felt like she had too.

Everyone was seated in her living room and there was a bottle of the middle, making Regina roll her eyes again.

She sat down next to Aaron and Gretchen and the game began, and she groaned when shane spun the bottle and he landed on her, she didn't want to confess anything because the look on Shane's face was disturbing her just enough.

"Dare."  Regina said and Shane rolled his eyes in response, sitting back and thinking about a dare. "I got it!" He said. Everyone was excited as they waited for Shane to say his dare.

"I dare you. To make some pathetic loser to fall in love with you, and date them for 6 months." Shane said and Regina rolled her eyes in response, "Who?" Regina asks, knowing that the school is filled with pathetic losers, he thought for a few seconds.

"Y/n L/n." Shane smirked and Regina's heart dropped and her facial expression said it all, "Her? seriously! I'd rather Janis than her!" Regina exclaimed, making all of her other friends smirk.

"Oh so, you can't do it?" Aaron challenged and Regina quickly shook her head, "I never said that. I can make anyone fall in love with me." Regina smirked, taking a sip of her drink. "I bet she won't" Aaron said. "She may be a loser but she's not stupid."

Regina gasped, surprised that someone was betting against her. "Oh really? you want to bet on it?" Regina questioned, she was truly confused but she didn't sound it.

He nodded his head and they agreed on $200.

The next day Regina started with her plan to get you to fall in love with her, she of course couldn't just ask you out, she had to play it all smoothly.

You were a loser, you sat with Janis and Damien but you never really felt close with them, they knew each other a lot longer so you didn't blame them.

You walked to school, with your headphones resting around your neck as you got closer to the building. "Y/n." You heard someone say, you turned to where the voice was coming from and your eyes when wide when you saw Regina

"Oh- Hi Regina." You say nervously, mentally preparing yourself for what ever mean thing she will say. Regina smiles, looking down at you and smirking, "I want to sit with you at lunch." Regina said, and your eyes went wide, that's not what you were expecting.

"What?" You ask in disbelief, you thought it was some joke that she would mock about later but there was a look of seriousness on her face, so you agreed. She smiled, walking away and as soon as she was gone you mentally screamed to yourself.

When it was lunch time, you were sitting on your usual table, which was outside and you were worried that Regina would never come because you sit away from everyone else.

"Y/n." You heard someone loudly say, making you jump and turn back quickly, you relaxed when you saw Regina. "Sorry for scaring you." She laughs, you giggle back at her. "It's okay." You say, and she sits down next to you.

"What do you have for lunch?" Regina asks, looking over at the food in your hands. "Oh it's fried rice! Me and my dad made it together." You smile happily, but she just looks at you blankly, "You're close with your dad?" Regina asks and you nod your head quickly, smiling happily.

"Yes! He is my best friend.. well, my only friend." You say it a bittersweet tone, she just nods, eating her lunch. "Do you want to do out tonight?" Regina asks, you give her a questioned look, so she sighs, making herself more clear, "Like a date." She says, you nod quickly, making her giggle.

Then the bell rings and you quickly head off to class, as soon as you were out of her sight Regina gets up and walks to Shane. "You will be giving me that $200, we are going on a date."

Shane scoffs, "Nope, you have to date her for 6 months, remember." Regina groans, "She's so weird! She's best friends with her father." Shane smirks, walking closer to Regina, "So you give up?" Regina rolls her eyes, stepping closer to Shane. "I never said that."

With that she walks away, tossing her hair, making shane gang and the strands of hair that got in his mouth.

When school ended, you usually would walk with your back slouched, but you were to happy.
You got home, excited to tell your dad the happy news.

"Dad! I have a date!" You said happily, he cheered back, matching your energy and happiness.

"I have to get ready!" You say, running upstairs into your room.

You look inside your closet and smile when you see the perfect dress. It was blue and silver, it was your mom's dress, you loved it.

You walked downstairs, changed, make up and hair done, your dad shed a few tears when he saw you in the dress, memories of your mom flowing through his head. "Aw, please don't cry." You say, walking up to give him a hug.

"I remember when your mom wore this dress, it was on our first date too." your dad smiles, taking out his phone and pulling out some pictures of the two of them. "I miss her." Your dad frowns and you sigh, hugging him again, "I do too."

A knock on the door interrupted the special moment between you and your dad, you nervously pulled away and walked to answer the door, you gasped when you opened it, Regina looked amazing.

"Ready?" She asked, putting out her hand, you nodded it and she grabbed it, walking you to her car.

She took you to this restaurant, one in the extremely rich part of town.

"Why did you ask me out?" You say, genuinely curious. Regina had a lot of experience with lying, so a made up story rolled off her tongue naturally. "I've always liked you, but i was afraid to come out so i tried to ignore my feelings."

You nod, smiling slightly to yourself as you look down at the menu, "The pasta looks good." You say, Regina looks up and smiles, "I was just thinking that!" She says, eyes looking straight into yours.

The two of you spend hours talking, Regina felt happy she didn't have to talk about social media and boys. She could talk about things that truly interest her, and have someone that would listen to her, and you were a very good listener.

Oh no.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

Regina was falling for you.


Before y'all go crazy YES, this will have a part 2.

I need a tall masc lesbian gf so bad you don't understand

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