The Cycle Of Horrors

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❝We've got ourselves a runner

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We've got ourselves a runner.

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When she woke up, she woke up in a cell. Everything was dark, the only source of light being a small lantern down the corridor. If Vienna strained her head, she could almost make out another cell down the corridor. Her wrists were bound by a zip tie and her right ankle was chained to the wall. She could only scoot far enough to read the small basin of water which had been layed out for her as if she were an animal. A gag was stuffed into her mouth, limiting the noises she could make.

It was days before saw anyone. Her stomach churned from hunger and her throat was dry since she had drank her water by the second day of confinement. Her hair was falling into her eyes but she had no way of brushing it out of the way. Her wrists and ankle ached, but she made no noise. She sat in silence for days, left with only her thoughts. Her thoughts didn't hold any mercy over her.

The girl had dull red hair, and dirt smeared all over her face. She didn't look at Vienna as she passed her call, only slid a small tray containing bread and a small water bottle under the iron bars.

The tray hit Vienna's ankle, causing her to wince. It had started to bleed at some point from the amount of strain she was putting on it from trying to get out. She hoped that by tugging as hard as she could, she could weaken the chain foundation which was deep in the wall. To her dismay, it didn't work.

For the next week, Vienna rationed her food and water. She wondered what her purpose was down here. Was she right in believing they kidnapped first years for body parts? Or rituals? It was it something way more sinister? And who the heck was it organised by? Who had the right motive?.....

The next sign of life she was was another week later. It was a blonde woman who looked in a much better state than the redhead. Her hair was sleek and shiny, and her expression showed visible distate in being down at the dirty cells. Vienna didn't doubt for one second that she looked like a right wreck. Her hair was as messy as it could get, sweat coated her forehead, as did dirt and grease.

Several guards came up behind her, one holding a syringe in his hand. She brought out a key and placed it in the lock, twisting it. Viennas eyes widened. This could be her chance. When they unchained her foot she'd make a run for it. She wasn't sure how far she'd get, but it would be better than nothing.

One of the guards took the key from the woman and knelt down by her, hands fiddling with the lock by her foot. When the cuff fell off her ankle, Vienna brought her foot up and kicked the guard in the nose. Before anyone could react, she was already on her feet, slipping past the other guards.

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