Chapter 23

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°•°Vanessa's POV°•°

Every morning was the best, to wake up to my husband's face, even though he won't kiss me until both of us brushed our teeth, in the beginning I found it silly, but got use  to it anyway.

"Staring at me again?" Eddie asks sleepy, looking at me through his eyelids.

"I don't know what your talking about." I state innocently, getting out of bed, taking a quick shower, slowly getting ready for the day ahead, when i was busy making breakfast Eddie was in the shower.

When I just finished setting the table, he came into a kitchen, walking up to me, placing a kiss on my lips, he sat down by the table, and by the expression on his face i could tell he wasn't in the mood for work.

"A long day ahead?" I ask, sitting down as well, he gave me a yes nod while he was eating. "How about I give you a nice massage when you get home?" I suggested, grinning from ear to ear he yells, "Yes!"

After breakfast I put all the dishes in the sink and we went out separate ways. When I was a child I always thought I'd be a doctor but I ended up becoming an elementary teacher, which even took me by suprise, but I enjoyed it.

Teaching the future of our country just seemed like an honour especially if they look up to the person teaching them everyday, and helping them achieve their goals, small and big.

Around lunch I decided to call Eddie to hear what he wants for dinner.
"Hey, Hun. Can't really talk right now, I'm busy driving." Was the first thing he said, sounding exhausted already. "Late for another meeting?" I ask standing up from my desk.

"Yes, and I don't want to get into an accident talking on the phone!" He states loudly.

"How is talking to me going to get you into an accident?" I ask, a little hurt he would say something like that.

"I'm sorry Ness, it's just my mother called telling me not to drive on the roads, because it rained, and it rained like three hours ago." He says, and suddenly his attitude made sense. "It's funny how she could even barely walk, and still try to control your life." I stated, snorting which was very unlady like.

I could hear someone honking their horns, and suddenly there was Eddie yelling at the guy. "Hey, dickhead! Flow of traffic mean anything to you?"

"You okay?" I ask, carefully, knowing he could be a bit sensitive about how people keeps telling him what to do and what not to do.

"Yeah, some people just doesn't get that it's my job to assist risks, and that's why I said that statistically speaking I'm more likely to get into an accident talking to you on the phone." Eddie says, his frustration didn't go unnoticed.

"I know, and I understand." Was all I said.

"Ness, I have to go. Goodbye." Eddie says, disconnecting our call, only then did I remember I never asked him about dinner, I took the risk calling him again.

"Eddie Kaspbrak speaking." He says, telling me he didn't check the ID caller.

"Look, the only reason I called is to hear what you want for dinner?" I say, rubbing my head, not wanting to be bothering him like this. "Sorry, anything would be fine, why don't you suprise me." Eddie says a bit more calmly.

"Okay. Love you." I say to him.

"Okay, I love you too, mommy." Eddie says, confusing and angering me at the same time.

"Excuse me?"

"Vanessa. Bye." He says, hanging up on me, there were days I was worried about him and today was officially one of those days.

I walked to my desk once again, taking out my sandwiches, and start eating, looking out the window I watched the kids playing outside, when my phone started ringing, looking at the ID, it was a number i didn't know, but it showed that the call was coming from Derry, Maine.

The scare by my abdomen started hurting, as a very old memory flashed through my mind, it was when i got back from the sewers, calling the police right away, when they got there, i told them everything i saw, while they were busy taking out my uncle's body, that's when henry appeared, they almost had him in handcuffs, until his eyes landed on me, with all his strength he got out of their hold running straight for me, i didn't see the knife until it was too late.

Why I suddenly remembered that I had no idea, but I answered the call anyway.


"Vanessa Bowers? It's Mike"

"Mike who? And it's Kaspbrak, not Bowers." I say, not very pleased to hear that surname.

"Mike Hanlon, from Derry. You need to come home."

After that confusing phone call, Eddie called me asking me if I got the call as well, we decided together that we would go, he cancelled all his meetings and so on for an entire week, and i took a week off from work.


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