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Mei babies 👼

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Mei babies 👼

She's back

Work calls me
Can't put one more day off

How we're feeling?

I'm ok
Just wanna find balance

I love u and I'm mad at him
But don't you wanna talk with him?


Solbin it's just a bitch

She called him at the party


He rejected right?

I told him to answer
He made his decision


I hate this
You two work so well together

Can we stop talking about him?
I just wanna go to work

Meanwhile Hoshi was lost in thought, his mind weighed down by this situation, which he wished it was much simpler, he was startled by the sound of footsteps approaching. Looking up, he saw Scoups making his way towards him, his expression serious yet compassionate.

"Hey, Hoshi," Scoups greeted him, his voice gentle as he came to a stop beside him. "Mind if I join you?"

Hoshi shook his head, offering a faint smile in response. "Not at all," he replied, grateful for the company " Are you gonna yell at me?"

"No, the girls did that for us"

As Scoups settled into the chair opposite him, the two fell into a comfortable silence.

After a moment, Scoups broke the silence, his voice gentle yet probing. "How are you holding up?"he asked, his concern evident in his eyes. "I know things have been tough lately."

"Honestly, Scoups, I'm not sure," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "It feels like everything's falling apart, and I don't know how to fix it."

Scoups nodded understandingly, his gaze steady as he listened intently. "I know" he said sympathetically. "But you're not alone in this. We're all here for you, no matter what. And I may have found a way to break the contract"

"You read the contract?" Hoshi asked as Scoups words sunk in "why?"

"I got our manger to give me a copy and I did it because I can't handle you being this miserable. I regret not asking him sonner"

Hoshi sat in silence, looking at Scoups face knowing he was beating himself up for his own sadness.

"Don't say that. I regret saying yes since day one and still said nothing." The possibility of finding a way out of his predicament brought a glimmer of hope "what did you find?"

"You have a clause that says that any breach of contract you'll have to pay for a fine of some thousand wons. That was out there in case any of you told the truth to anyone one outside the group. You should've paid the moment Bitna found out but that's not the point. That clause it's not restricted by only telling the truth so if you break things off it's a breach of the contract. So....if you do break things off the worse can happen it's you paying that fine."

"Scoups, I appreciate you looking into the contract," Hoshi said earnestly, his voice tinged with gratitude. "But even if we find a way out, I don't think Bitna will forgive me. Not after everything that's happened. And Solbin can still talk shit about me"

Scoups nodded in understanding, his expression sympathetic as he placed a reassuring hand on Hoshi's shoulder. "True but at least you can be with Bitna publicly if you want. You can tell the truth if you want. Blame the company. So much shit it's going on they'll ignore us" he said

"Bitna doesn't want anything with me"

"Now... But sometimes, forgiveness takes time. And I know you'll work hard for her. Just think about it"Scoups offered a comforting smile, his eyes filled with empathy as he squeezed Hoshi's shoulder in a gesture of support.

Woozi entered the practice room with a somber expression, he didn't talk to anyone.

Hoshi couldn't help but to wonder what's wrong, a frown creasing his brow as he approached Woozi.

"Hey, Woozi, everything okay?" Hoshi asked, his voice laced with concern. "You seem a bit off today."

Woozi sighed, his gaze flickering briefly to Hoshi before returning to the floor. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied tersely.

Hoshi frowned, sensing that something was amiss despite Woozi's attempts to brush off his concerns. "Come on, Woozi, I know when something's bothering you," he persisted, his voice gentle yet insistent. "You can talk to me."

"I don't wanna speak with you" he said

Hoshi looked at him confused but before he could open his mouth Woozi continue.

"No. You know what? I wanna speak with you" he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. "I'm so mad at you. You just needed to communicate! You're in a relationship... you're suppose to talk with your partner. If you did you would've know Bitna rejected a job offer for YOU."

"She did what?" Hoshi asked him

"Why didn't you spoke with her before you decided to break up?" Woozi said running his hand over his hair " that's why the girls were mad and if I have to choose a side in this matter I'll choose them. You're my brother but you were so idiot"

"I'll make it ok. I love her" he said reassuringly. "I just wanted to protect her"

"We all will protect their, fuck Taylor and Mei are little crazy psychos! They'll do anything for the girls"

"He's not wrong. The girls and us... we're a team" Wonwoo said

Woozi offered a small, grateful smile at Hoshi's words, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders at the realization that he wasn't alone in his struggles. "We are a family. Solbin attacks one of us she has to deal with all of us" he said sincerely, his voice filled with gratitude.

"I think I have to leave" Hoshi said waiting to go to Bitna place

"She's working late with Haeri" Woozi said with a smirk

Hoshi sprinted towards Bitna's workplace, his determination made him forget about the possibility of someone see him.

But before he could reach his destination, a forceful hand grabbed his shoulder and yanked him to a halt.

Startled, Hoshi turned to see Haeri standing before him, her expression a mixture of surprise and annoyance. "What do you think you're doing here?" she demanded, her tone firm as she glared at him.

Hoshi tried to sidestep Haeri and continue on his way, but she stood her ground, blocking his path with an unwavering resolve. "I need to talk to Bitna," he explained urgently.

Haeri folded her arms across her chest, her gaze unwavering as she shook her head disapprovingly. "She doesn't want to see you right now," she said bluntly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"But I need to explain things to her," he protested, his voice tinged with regret. " I know about the job offer"

"I understand, Hoshi," she said gently. "But right now, Bitna needs some space. You can talk to her later, when she's ready."

Reluctantly, Hoshi nodded, conceding defeat as he realized that Haeri was right. "Okay," he murmured, his voice tinged with disappointment. "I'll wait."

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