Bonus Chapter

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Bitna was thrilled as she stepped into the cozy living room where all the girls had gathered for their weekly girls' night.

The room was filled with laughter and the delicious aroma of homemade treats. Taylor, Haeri, Mei,Hayun and Bitna had made it a tradition to meet up regularly to catch up and unwind from their lives and some time for them to gossip.

"Hey!" Bitna greeted, hugging each of her friends warmly. "I've missed you all!"

"We saw each other everyday at work" Haeri said

"I haven't seen her in 3 days!" Mei hugged her

"Bitna! It's about time you got here," Taylor teased, her eyes twinkling. "We were starting to think you were ditching us for Hoshi."

Bitna laughed, shaking her head. "No way! I wouldn't miss girls' night for anything."

They all settled on the comfortable couches, surrounded by snacks and drinks.

"So, how are things with Hoshi?" Mei asked, leaning forward with interest. "Is he treating you well?"

Bitna smiled, feeling a warm glow at the thought of him. "He is. It's been a rollercoaster, but we're in a really good place now. He's met my parents, and they absolutely love him. My dad asked me to teach him some songs"

"My dad learn to play to guitar thanks to Hoon" Haeri said " they were truly adorable"

"I can't wait to see my dad" Mei said

"You're going next to China right?" Hayun asked

"Yes! And Tay is coming with me"

"The boys are coming too.... What a shame" Tay said rolling her eyes

"My parents were supposed to come here but my dad's back isn't good so it's better if he stays home"

"Are any of you going on a trip?"

"Chan wants to go to Jeju some days"

"Hoon wants to stay home. We want to do some changes at home"

"Your man never stops working" Tay laughed

"True" Haeri answered tilting her head

"OK, I promised Hao I would not tell but I can't." Taylor said, her voice filled the room

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at her, curiosity etched on their faces.

"Say it!" Mei said , her eyes wide with anticipation.

Taylor took a deep breath, her smile growing wider. "I'm pregnant again!"

A chorus of excited squeals and congratulations erupted from the group as they all rushed to hug Taylor, their joy evident.

"Oh my gosh, Tay! That's amazing!" Bitna exclaimed, hugging her tightly. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you," Taylor said, her eyes shining with happiness. "We wanted to wait a bit more but I just can't hide from you"

"Congrats baby" Haeri hugged her " can't wait for another baby"

The room buzzed with excitement and happiness. They spent the rest of the evening talking about Taylor's pregnancy.

The next day, Bitna found herself thinking about the previous night's conversations as she went about her daily routine. She felt a pain in her heart.

When Bitna arrived home, she saw Hoshi waiting for her at the couch.

"Hey," she greeted, sitting down next to him.

"Hey gorgeous... you sounded off today. And yesterday you didn't texted me after meeting the girls."

"I'm ok"

Hoshi took her hands in his, his expression softening. "You're not... tell me"

Bitna felt a lump in her throat, her eyes welling up with emotion. " I'm just emotional"


"Tay is pregnant...."

"That's amazing! Why are you sad?" He asked her

"Promise you won't be mad..."

"I promise"

"Last month I had a miscarriage"

"What?" Hoshi said, squeezing her hands. "But we use condoms"

"Maybe it broke... or that time in the shower. Don't know. I felt sick and my boobs were sore so I did I test. Two line came up, you were on tour so I booked a appointment to see if it was true before telling you... I was pregnant but no heartbeat"

Tears spilled down Bitna's cheeks as she leaned forward, resting on his chest.

"Why didn't you told me?" He hugged her tightly "do you need something? Does Taylor being pregnant trigger you?"

"I'm sorry. It was over before even started. I didn't want to upset you. And no. I'm trilled for Tay but I was reminded that it could be me telling them"

"Were you happy when you saw the two lines?"Hoshi asked , wiping her tears away. "It's not our time... but don't be sad"

"I was happy" she smiled at him " I started wondering how he would look like"

"They'll be so adorable, they'll be lucky to have you as a mom. Just promised me next time you'll tell me right away"

"Maybe wanna check your condom box" she tried to joke to light up the mood

"Please... now you gave one more reason to throw them away. I like the idea of a baby with you"

"You do?"

"I love you. I want a life with you...with or without kids. Don't think too much"

"How I get so lucky with you?" She rest her head in his lap "I'm sorry for breaking down on you"

"Whenever you want" he brushed her hair while putting a movie to relax

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