chapter 1

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Hey so info to start off with izuku's quirk is still afo but in my version she's kind of like aang where she gets all the skills of the users before her so her "ancestors" can kind of like communicate with her? Almost? her quirk shows up every 100 years or so kind of like the avatar still but with afo. Her ancestors also basically tell her when she needs stuff so she's just pass out if she needs sleep or like she'll go hunting if she gets to hungry yall get it.

P.s izuku is an insomniac In this 😜


Me and kacchan are walking up to the gates of
UA. I can't believe I'm here! We have been waiting for this moment since we were kids and I was practically springing up like a bunny with every step.

kacchan was obviously already over my hyperness 😅 but when is he not? I search around trying to look for visual quirks, to see if I can spot which kind of quirks people have from the start but I could only really see one girl who was... pink?

She was super pretty! Seemed super sweet too but she had these cool yellow horns.. maybe they do something? But what does that have to do with her being pink-


"Hm?- Sorry kacchan 😅 there's just so many cool people here and I was just wondering about there quirks and-"

"tbh I don't care about any of these extras."

"😐 these are gonna be our classmates for the next 4 years. your gonna have to care eventually kacchan!" I skip onwards with kacchan groaning behind me before jogging to catch up next to me.

Kacchan is the only other person who truly knows what my quirk does, or well it's full potential. I tell him every time I interact with the former spirits of afo. I told him about the one who had it before me, all might.

All might was the best hero of his time, we learnt about him in history last year and turns out half of it was false but I couldn't correct them cuz how would I know?

"oi deku our rooms up there."

"We are in 1A together still right kacchan?"

" tch. Yes nerd, we are still in the same class."

*sigh of relief* "just checking kacchan. 😁"

we walk up the hall to see a sign sticking out from the wall saying "1A" on it. the door was HUGE. I'm talking like 40-50 foot tall. I mean it's understandable since there's hero's like mount lady who can go SUPER big but I still thought it was a bit overdrawn. oh well inclusivity and all! ☺️

"You ready nerd?"

"Ready as I'll ever be 😅"

"Tch." He swings open the door to hear a bunch of kids chatting and running about. my social anxiety sparked up and started to pick at my nails but kacchan put his hands around me just above my waist.

"You good nerd?"

"Yeah. yeah I'm good."


I could see her picking at her nails. she does that when her anxiety flares up. I didn't wanna hold her waist so I put my hand kind of on the side of her stomach. I felt her shiver at the warm of my hand.

"You good nerd?" I knew she wasn't.

"Yeah.. yeah I'm good." liar.

Ever since she got bullied in middle school she has a fear of talking to new people. she's scared they'll hate her. how could anyone hate her? I don't know. Extras are dumb. that's why they are extras.

we sit down on the far right side of the room next to the windows. Deku sat infront, she lent of her chair and leaned it up against my desk so she could talk to me. I wasn't gonna make the effort to talk to extras but izuku was tryna convince me too. PFT why would I need some other fuckers when I have izuku? shit. what am I thinking.

"Please kacchan🙏🏼 I wanna go socialiseee! I wanna talk to the girl with the pink skin over thereee~"

"Why? she probably has some weird ass quirk no one cares about." I shut my eyes and lean my head back.

"Kacchaann~ your so harsh!"

"I'm honest nerd. there's a difference."

"Hmph." She crossed her arms. I love it when she gets all moody.

I'm staring at her and I feel my ears getting hot, when pinky walks over to us.
"Hi! I'm Mina ashido ☺️"

" fuck of-" izuku puts her hand on my mouth.

"I'm izuku midoriya and this is katsuki bakugou! It's lovely to meet you ashido-kun!"

"Please call me Mina!"

PFT. as if I'm calling her that. pinky is memorable. I don't remember names I remember faces. so nicknames have to make up for there real names.


"Huh?" pinky looks at me confused

"I don't remember names. I'll call your pinky"

"Oh! Um.."

"Kacchan has been like that since we were kids, don't mind him! it isn't personal ☺️"

"Oh okay! 😁" pinky says. izuku always defends me to people. I don't need her to as much as I appreciate it. I don't care if people don't like me, that's their problem not mine. Aslong and izuku likes me I don't give a fuck who hates me.


some weird yellow caterpillar yells from the floor..

"Take your seats. now."

The fuck is that thing? It starts too.. unzip itself? oh it's a sleeping bag. why the fuck was our sensei on the floor in a sleeping bag?

"I'm your new sensei, aizawa. Or as you'll better know me as eraser head."

[ ] means whisper‼️‼️‼️


" [ omg kacchan that's eraser head!! ] "

Pft. it's funny how hero obsessed she is

" we have traing so spend 15-20 minutes introducing yourselfs and your quirk and then head down to the training grounds changing rooms. you all have assigned lockers with all of your sizes. I'm taking a nap."


Did he just go to sleep? wow some sensei he is. I'm sure he just trusts us loads! but we litterally just met him 5 seconds ago..

I feel a dizziness wash over me.

I knew what it was. I ran out of my sleeping pills last night and I didn't get any sleep. I know the spirits are gonna force me to sleep any second. my eyes become heavy and I'm too tired to speak. This has happened many times before to I knew what to do. me and kacchan came up with a way to warn him when I'm gonna pass out by clicking my pen 3 times in a row.

*click* *click* *click*

1112 words guys 😱

~ fem izuku ~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ