Chapter 5

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so time skip it's been like a month since they joined UA and they are finally doing missions and shit 😜


"Okay so you're doing your first mission today. it's just patrol so don't get to excited but, it's a first step to a big journey. so take it seriously."

"Ahh! kacchan we are doing our first mission!"

"Tch. You heard the guy, it's just patrol."

"Yeah but still~!"

"Yeah yeah, anyways we are being partners. No discussion."

"Okay kacchan! ☺️"

We walk down to the training centre to go get our costumes.



we met up with pinky and shitty hair, we were stood out on a peer watching for any activity. Seemed like a calm day.

It wasn't.

We were stood just talking, facing down into town. we heard laughing from behind us, we turn around to face the ocean. Izuku went pale.

"Sh-shiggy..?" What? that can't be dekus brother.

"Why hello little sister~ long time no see!"

"Tomura you little shi-" a portal opens up behind izuku and pulls her in I reach for her hand but I miss her by inches.


"I know! but father has plans for sweet little zuzu.
It was nice seeing you bakugou. pft- no it wasn't~" he steps back into a portal and it shuts.

It dawns on me. I have no idea where she is. pinky starts to tear up and shitty hair looks angry. No where close to me but angry enough.

My breathing speeds up. I'm panting with anger, I ball my fists up and punch through the floor.



the portal shuts and I start to shake. what do I do? where's kacchan? Where am i?

"Hahaha~~! she's prettier then what shigs made her out to be~"

"W-who are you?!"

"Oh! how rude of me~ I'm toga! this is dabi and ofcourse you know your brother~"

"W-why am I here.."

"Oh we don't know yet! your father just wanted you here so, boss gets what boss wants!" Dabi says.

I remember my father. he never hit me but he hit my mother. cold and heartless man I only remember vaguely.


I'm in a cell of some kind? it's just a room with white walls, a mattress and was looks like a double sided mirror but it's definitely a cell.

a speaker comes on.

"Hello izuku. so I'm sending your brother in now for our first little.. test.. to see if you're what we are looking for."

The door opens and shiggy walks in holding something behind his back.

"W-what are you holding.."

"Nothing izuku, this will all be over soon!"

"Stay BACK!" I use my quirk and send him flying through the wall. I ran for the whole but a portal opens up and a tall man steps into the room.

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