[21: ENZO]

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[episode 1

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[episode 1.2]

September 10, 2009

MARGOT GILBERT was always beautiful.

I had been able to watch over her and observe her life for nearly two years now, and I was certain that Margot Gilbert had never had a day where she looked anything less than perfect.

Even when Margot was crumbling under the weight of her grief and her trauma, her beauty remained.

And tonight, while filled with horror over the text message she'd received, Margot Gilbert was still gorgeous.

I knew I was one of the lucky ones being connected to her in this way. In my early days of vampirism, I had heard rumors of other supernatural creatures being able to speak to their soulmates telepathically, but I never imagined it would be the case for me. Privately, my deepest desire was that it would be.

Once I was taken prisoner by the Augustine Society, I was certain I would never meet my soulmate. The likelihood of her living and dying while I was in their custody grew higher every day, and I couldn't deny my reality.

But then, one night when Dr. Maxfield had taken pieces of all of my organs to see which ones grew back the fastest, I saw her.

Margot was a vision. She was this perfect tone cutting through the fog of my agony. She was the most solid thing during that day full of unconsciousness and confusion.

From that night on, I had decided with complete certainty that I would never let harm befall her.

I hated that I had failed her, and the evidence of it stood before me now, ugly and dark and the antithesis to everything that made Margot wonderful.

"Hello, Enzo." He pocketed his phone and pulled on a pair of blue medical gloves. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

No longer did I believe that I would rot in this cell for eternity. I knew because I had never been more certain of anything in my life that I would end this prick before me.

His phone buzzed with an incoming message. His smarmy grin told me everything I needed to know. He was the reason she'd looked so afraid when her phone buzzed.

"Ah, that must be Margot," he said to Dr. Maxfield. "That silly little girl is so in love with me."

I flung to the edge of my cell, vampire teeth bared, and I grinned wickedly at the way Cale flinched. "You're living on borrowed time, Whitmore," I growled. "Soon, you'll understand what it means to beg for mercy."

"Great! Do you have an ETA on that threat? I'd love to add that to my calendar," he said, plucking out his phone and looking at me expectantly. "What do you think? Maybe that one Tuesday sixty years from now?"

I was fueled by the hatred of ten thousand armies.

"In the meantime, I think I know of another person who could benefit from that sort of a lesson."

He pressed the button to release the thick cloud of airborne vervain, and I stumbled, groaning under the weight of my sudden suffering. My flesh was burning away, and my lungs lit in an unceasing fire. I tumbled back to the ground as the familiar pain met me in my delirium.

"Who knows?" Cale said, leaning closer to mock my weakness. "Maybe I'll even let you watch."

My body finally succumbed to the pain, and rage chased me all the way down.

BLACK SHEEP // Enzo St. JohnWhere stories live. Discover now