The day of the match.

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The next day, Friday and Melanie walked down to the oval where Ian and his team were preparing for the match.

"Hi" he said jogging up to them still kicking the ball between his legs.

"Morning" Friday said putting down the tripod "so do you want me to film ..." Ian cut her off "Why have you got a tripod, you should be on your feet filming all my moves" he said kicking the ball up into his hands.

"I thought this would be the best angle to film the whole match" she said pointing to the direction the camera which was filming a clear view of all the players.

"I don't want you to film the match I want you to film me" Ian said.

"What" Friday said glaring at him "I thought you wanted this for the whole team, so you can study it for the finals".

"No, I want it for my collage application, so they might consider providing me a scholarship" he said bouncing the ball on his chest.

"You're in grade 7, the finals are a weak away and your biggest concern is a collage application" Friday asked.

"Yeah, cause Highcrest is already in the finals, we're just playing today to see which team we should use. Besides I rely on scholarships for all my education, submitting my application early could give me a better chance at getting one." Ian said, "now let's get some cut aways of my warmup".

"Why couldn't you just film the finals match instead of dragging me out to film us today" Friday groaned putting Ian's phone in a selfie stick.

"Because I'm going to be trying my hardest today, where playing against a team who knows all our moves and has a better chance of beating us. Besides today I'm this team's best player" Ian said kicking the ball up the ball, Friday rolled her eyes.

"It's true" Ian said walking up to her "you see that boy there".

"Where" Friday said squinting to see.

Ian grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to where he was looking "there" She saw a tall boy with sandy hair and a cast on his wrist.

The case of the soccer sagga (Friday Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now