Ivan Owens.

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Ian and Friday went back to the field to grab some extra footage. Friday was running backwards, filming Ian dribble the ball across the field. She would occasionally trip her own feet, so she was trying her best to concentrate on her foot placing and didn't know she was about to collide with someone from the other team. She fell on top of them, when she tried to get up, he would continue to fall over. Ian, of course, was almost dying of laughter.

"I'm sorry" Friday said, her face pink with embarrassment.

"That's alright," said the boy. Friday turned around and got a good look at his face.

"Colin" she said "Why are you not wearing a cast, and why are is your jersey Red."

"What" the boy sneered.

"Slow your roll detective" Ian said helping her of the ground "This is Ivan, he's twins with Colin."

"Twins" Friday was obsessed with twins, especially identical twins, and Colin and Ivan couldn't be more identical.

"Yeah, the only way we can tell them apart is there soccer boots Colin wears red boots and Ivan wears blue" Ian said kicking the ball to Ivan.

"Ha!" someone laughed. It was Tristan Fanshaw the most annoying boy at Highcrest "I can name loads of ways to tell them apart. Like Colin is left handed and Ivan is right handed. Or Colin is severely allergic to eggs, milk, and shellfish whereas Ivan gets gas when he has any type of food."

"Hey" said Ivan.

"Or... how Colin is amazing at soccer and Ivan sucks at soccer." Tristan said smugly.

"WTF, dude I've been getting better" Ivan said.

Colin had walked over and was now defending his brother "Yeah, he's been practicing for months and could probably beet you in his sleep."

"Sure, maybe if I was dead" Tristan mumbled.

Just then Mr Fontana called the team over. They were about to start the match.  

The case of the soccer sagga (Friday Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now