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The game started again, but this time Ian was determined to win. He had realized how good Ivan had gotten, Ivan had scored most of the goals, and now the teams were tied. Ian caught the ball and kicked it across the field, the whole crowd held their breath as he dodged past the other team. Ivan tried to get the ball by sliding down to the ground and attempting to steal the ball, but Ian jumped right over him. He made his way to the goal and kicked it cleanly through the net. The crowd roared, they were now in the lead. Melanie and Friday jumped up and down in excitement. Everyone on the blue team was ecstatic, well almost everyone. When Friday turned to Colin, he didn't look happy.

"What's up with him" she asked.

"Twins have a special connection, he's probably happy that he's winning but he's also upset for his brother who won't get a chance to play in the final. It probably feels like he's losing and winning at the same time" Melanie said.

"Oh, that would feel bad, poor Colin" Friday said sympathetically.

"Oh, I think I have an idea to make him feel better" Melanie said turning around and picking up the cupcake box.

"Hey Colin, would you like a cupcake? Susan made them there really good" Melanie said holding out the box for Colin to take one. He took a red frosted cupcake and took a bite. Friday looked inside the box and Melanie was right, they did look delicious. She picked on up and sniffed it. She was amazed how flour, eggs, milk, and a whole load of sugar could make something this perfect.

"Wait" she cried, turning to Collin. He was digging into that cupcake like there was no tomorrow.

"What?" he said his mouth full of red frosting.

"Nothing" Friday said no more but turned on the camera. For the rest of the third quarter, she looked through the camera. Soon the whistle rang across the field for the third quarter, Colin ran up to his team, but Friday stayed behind.

"Friday, what are you looking at" Melanie said trying to pull her over to the team huddle.

"A goal" she turned the camera of and made her way to the team "we need to talk to Ian."       

The case of the soccer sagga (Friday Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now