Fan Girling

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Melanie came after her "Friday what are you doing."

"Exposing Ivan and Colin" she said walking through the gates of the field. Her cardigan got caught on one of the wire spokes forcing her to stop and untangle it.

"and how are you going to do that" Melanie asked picking through the thread of Friday's cardigan and releasing it. Friday smiled at her sweetly.

"What?" Melanie asked scared at what Friday was about to do.

"With help from one of the nicest people I know" Friday said turning around and waving at Susan "Hey Susan you wouldn't mind doing us a huge favor."

"sure" Susan said coming over to where they were standing.

"How good are you at acting" Friday asked.

"I don't know... I guess I'm ok" Susan said still smiling.

"Good enough to play an obsessed fan girl" Friday said slyly.

"Oh boy" Melanie said, "I think I might go to sleep."

"No, you'll want to stay awake for this" Friday said grabbing a piece of paper.

The three girls made there way to the field. Friday spotted Ivan warming up.

"Ok, that's him you two no what to do." She said pushing them towards him.

"Hey uhh, Ivan" Melanie said walking up to him. Ivan looked up at Melanie in confusion "This is really embracing but my friend Susan is your biggest fan" she looked over at Susan who was acting shy but excited at the same time.

"Oh, um cool" Ivan said not really sure what to do.

Melanie persisted "She was wondering if ..."

Susan cut her of "IFICOULDHAVEYOURAUTOGRAPH" (Susan was really good at acting).

"Sure, do you have any paper" Ivan asked. Friday surprisingly hadn't thought of that, but Susan did improve classes, so she was able to think up a solution midway through her sentence.

"No...but you could...sign my football jersey." She handed Ivan a maker and he started to write his name. Friday pulled out her camera and quickly took a photo.

"Hey you can't do that, those shirts are school property they cost loads to make" Mr Fontana cried running over to them followed by Ian and Drake.

"Susan what's going on" drake asked feeling kind of hurt that she wasn't his biggest fan.

Ian looked at Susan's jersey "Barnes your plan failed he didn't write his own name. The shirt says Ivan not Colin."

"What!" Ivan (or should I say Colin) panicked.

"My plan wasn't to get him to write his name, it was to trick him into writing with his left hand" she said showing them the picture.

The case of the soccer sagga (Friday Barnes)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora