The Cupcake stall.

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A/N: Sorry it's so short. I'm currently dealing with a lot of school work.

Melanie was at the cupcake store, which Susan had made to support the team. Ian and Friday walked up to find her, and Drake was mid discussion.

"So, this is why you wanted to borrow my soccer jersey" Drake laughed referring to the big blue jersey with the number 4 on it that Susan was wearing.

"Yeah, suits me doesn't it" she said spinning round. Friday and Ian rolled their eyes which infuriated Melanie "Hey don't judge them, this was the progress I was hoping for you two, if you weren't so content on hating each other."

"Mel, I thought you'd said you'd help film me" Ian said.

"No, I said Friday would be helping you, I want to sleep" 

The case of the soccer sagga (Friday Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now