Melanie finally shows up.

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"How's the filming going" she said, placing a box of cupcakes down on the table. Friday said nothing but just handed her the camera. Melanie clicked through the footage in disbelief somehow Friday had barely caught any of Ian's awesomeness.

"What is up with you today, normally you can't take your eyes of Ian but this whole time you've been annoying Colin" she said, handing the camera back to Friday.

"I can so take my eyes of Ian" Friday mumbled.

"Uh I'm sorry, why else do you insist that we sit at the picnic tables near the soccer field, but not if Ian's teams playing" Melanie said crossing her arms, her eyebrows going up and down.

"Because... I think... it's important we support the team" Friday said in her defense.

"Only when Ian's teams playing" Melanie chuckled.

"Ok it just so happens that when the other team plays the library is less crowded" Friday yelled.

"Friday this is Highcrest Academy the library is never crowded" Melanie stated. Friday said nothing she knew she couldn't win. Also, Ian was walking up to them, and she did not want him to get involved in this conversation.

"You came" Ian said, giving her a smile.

"You seem nicer today, what's wrong with you" Melanie said.

Ian ginned this was invitation to be annoying "we didn't even have to wake you up or drag you down the stairs."

"There we go" Melanie said "now try do something impressive, so Friday can gawk at you and use the excuse that she's filming you." Ian cocked his head with a confused look on his face but then he laughed and ran on to the field.

"Thanks Melanie" Friday muttered under her breath sarcastically.

"You're welcome" she said giving her a sweet smile.  

The case of the soccer sagga (Friday Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now